Warming Hysteria is Fake Religion, Not Science

Error Theory | Alec Rawls | Feb. 18, 2008

Every climate scientist in the world has known beyond any doubt, for at least several years now, that late 20th century warming was driven almost entirely by the very high levels of solar activity between 1940 and 2000 (details below). They also know the corollary: that when solar activity drops into a down phase, the earth will get cold, possibly even precipitating the next ice age (due any century now). [Read more…]


Forget global warming: Welcome to the new Ice Age

National Post | Lorne Gunter | Feb. 25, 2008

Snow cover over North America and much of Siberia, Mongolia and China is greater than at any time since 1966.

The U.S. National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) reported that many American cities and towns suffered record cold temperatures in January and early February. According to the NCDC, the average temperature in January “was -0.3 F cooler than the 1901-2000 (20th century) average.” [Read more…]


Flat Tax is the Way of the Future

Most formerly communist countries are adopting capitalistic and fair Flat Tax systems, while the US continues with its socialist, unfair, and punitive Tax scheme.
Heritage Foundation | Daniel J. Mitchell, Ph.D. | Mar. 20, 2006

Thanks to globalization, many nations are adopting better tax policies. Certain politicians still believe in high tax rates, of course, but they feel compelled to move in the opposite direction since it is now increasingly easy for labor and capital to escape oppressive tax regimes by crossing national borders.

This is why so many nations had to lower personal income tax rates after the Thatcher and Reagan rate reductions – and why many nations have been lowering tax rates on business in response to Ireland’s incredibly successful 12.5 per cent corporate tax. They know the geese that lay the golden eggs will fly away if they impose bad tax law. [Read more…]


Academic Gibberish And The Hermeneutics Of Mistrust

Manhattan Institute | Patrick J. Deneen | Feb. 21, 2008

Overwhelming evidence attests to the liberal tilt on our college campuses. Studies show that the faculty at most mainstream institutions are overwhelmingly registered with the Democratic party and give a disproportionate share of their political donations to left-leaning candidates. A recent study of donations by faculty at Princeton University during the current Presidential election season shows that every faculty donation went to a Democratic candidate. Were such unanimity to manifest itself for conservative candidates at an academic institution, one can be certain that our leading academics would decry the lack of diversity. [Read more…]


National Security At the Border

Human Events | Robert Spencer | Feb. 19, 2008

Three Afghanis were arrested Wednesday at an international airport in India’s Kerala state for flying with forged Mexican passports. They had just arrived there from Kuwait, where officials examined the passports identifying them as “Antonio Lopez Juan,” “Javier Sanchez Alberto,” and “Atonio Lopez Ernesto,” and found that they didn’t understand any Spanish. [Read more…]


Kosovo: A New Day of Infamy for a New Century

Chronicles Magazine | Srdja Trifkovic | Feb. 18, 2008

The grotesque charade in Pristina on Sunday, February 17, crowned a decade and a half of U.S. policy in the former Yugoslavia that has been mendacious and iniquitous in equal measure. By encouraging its Albanian clients go ahead with the unilateral proclamation of independence written at the Department of State, the U.S. administration has made a massive leap into the unknown. [Read more…]


Gun Free Zones Can Be Deadly

American Thinker | Bob Weir | Feb. 17, 2008

Another maniac, with guns bristling all over him, walked into a “gun-free zone” and began picking off human beings as if they were ducks in a shooting gallery. There were only a few minutes left in the ocean sciences class being held in the large lecture hall of the school when a tall, thin man, dressed in black, stepped out from behind a curtain on the stage. Witnesses said he looked around, almost as though he was relishing the thought of what he was about to do, pulled out a shotgun and began the slaughter. [Read more…]


The Second Amendment’s Day in Court

Human Events | Oliver North | Feb. 15, 2008

When the Washington, D.C. City Council enacted the toughest gun-control law in the nation in 1976, the city fathers — according to what they said at the time — believed they were making our nation’s capital a safer place. The measure failed miserably. Since passage, the murder rate in the District has skyrocketed by more than 200 percent. Now, the U.S. Supreme Court has a chance to both make our capital safer — and ensure that the Second Amendment to our Constitution is enshrined as an individual right for every law-abiding American. [Read more…]


Opposition to DC Hand Gun Ban Moves Forward

Human Events | Oliver North | Feb. 15, 2008

Fifty-five senators and 250 representatives joined Vice President Dick Cheney in filing an amicus curiae brief with the Supreme Court on Friday supporting the overturning of the District of Columbia’s ban on handguns. That’s a majority of both houses stating that the DC gun ban violates the Second Amendment. [Read more…]
