When Others Pray for Your Conversion

American Thinker | Selwyn Duke | Mar. 28, 2008

There recently was a story about a German Jewish leader, Charlotte Knobloch, who criticized Pope Benedict XVI for allowing a traditional Easter prayer that calls for the conversion of the Jewish people. Her reaction raises an interesting issue, as praying for conversion isn’t unique to Catholics any more that taking offense to it is unique to Jews. [Read more…]


How the Leftist Churches Set a Time Bomb for the Democrats

American Thinker | James Lewis | Mar. 26, 2008

Until the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Senator Obama’s spiritual mentor in Black Liberation Theology, popped out of the woodwork, I didn’t even know about BLT — Black Liberation Theology. But the doctrines of Black Liberation have been preached since 1966 in black churches, with the enthusiastic support of white churches of the Left, notably the United Church of Christ. The Rev. Wright runs an official UCC church. [Read more…]


The Religion of Eternal Racism and Eternal Sexism

American Thinker | Bruce Walker | Mar. 25, 2008

The Civil Rights Act was passed forty-three years ago. The feminist movement was more or less officially launched about forty years ago. And yet today in the Democrat Party there are serious voices complaining of racism and sexism among Democrat voters (and, presumably, among the American people.) How many “civil rights” leaders talk as if racism is an immutable, eternal characteristic of American society? How many feminist leaders talk as if sexism is an immutable, eternal characteristic of American society? [Read more…]
