California is rewriting its marriage forms for gays

Exactly what Dennis Prager predicted will happen is now happening in California. The state is removing “bride” and “groom” from marriage licenses. Why only “2” partners?

AP | Michael R. Blood | May. 22, 2008

You have to figure “bride” and “groom” are out. So, what will the California marriage license look like in the new era of same-sex marriages? Will it list “Partner A” and “Partner B”? “Intended No. 1” and “Intended No. 2”? Or will it contain just blank spaces for the betrothed?

The court decision last week that legalized gay marriage in California has created a semantic puzzle with scant time to solve it. With the ruling tentatively set to take effect June 16, state bureaucrats must rapidly rewrite, print and distribute a marriage license application. [Read more…]


Gore Celebrates Israel’s 60th With Whoppers

AlGore can’t resist using every opportunity to lie shamelessly and perpetuate a fraud.

American Thinker | Marc Sheppard | May. 22, 2008

After delivering a scientifically inept global warming lecture in Tel Aviv on Tuesday, greenhouse gasbag Al Gore presented Israel with a 60th birthday gift of custom tailored, regionally-targeted Globaloney.

As adaptable to his surroundings as any desert snake, the shameless Nobel laureate told conference attendees that plunging water levels in their lakes and rivers were the result of — guess what? [Read more…]


Is 2008 to be a Transformational Election?

American Thinker | J.R. Dunn | May. 21, 2008

This is supposed to be liberalism’s year. We hear it from all sources on all points of the political spectrum. A miserable and disillusioned electorate, an energized base, an opposition both confused and demoralized – the 2008 election, we’re assured, is the left’s to lose.

We hear talk of a transformational election, like that of FDR in 1932 and Reagan in 1980. An election that imposes a new political template across the country as a whole. Or in this case, reimposes it, since the “new” template would in fact be nothing more than another repetition of FDR’s New Deal socialism and water. [Read more…]


A Phony ‘War on Science’

Washington Post | Michael Gerson | May. 7, 2008

There are few things in American politics more irrationally ideological, more fanatically faith-based, than the accusation that Republicans are conducting a “war on science.”

According to Hillary Clinton, the Bush administration has declared “open season on open inquiry.” “When I am president,” she promises, “scientific integrity will not be the exception; it will be the rule.” [Read more…]


California Decision Will Radically Change Society | Dennis Prager | May. 20, 2008

Americans seem mesmerized by the word “change.” And, by golly, they sure got it last week from the California Supreme Court. It is difficult to imagine a single social change greater than redefining marriage from opposite sex to include members of the same sex.

Nothing imaginable — leftward or rightward — would constitute as radical a change in the way society is structured as this redefining of marriage for the first time in history: Not another Prohibition, not government taking over all health care, not changing all public education to private schools, not America leaving the United Nations, not rescinding the income tax and replacing it with a consumption tax. Nothing. [Read more…]


Some Logical Corollaries of California’s Gay Marriage Decision

American Thinker | Paul Shlichta | May. 19, 2008

As Lady Macbeth said, “what’s done cannot be undone” — except by constitutional amendment. In order to appease an intransigent minority group, the California Supreme Court has, in the manner of Roe v. Wade, resorted to inventing a new legal principle to justify their predetermined goal.

But one does wish that they had thought the matter out a little more carefully. In creating a mechanism for justifying gay marriage, the justices have set in motion an infernal machine with consequences far beyond their limited imaginations. Cliff Thier has already pointed out that these unintended consequences may include the invalidation of no-fault divorce and the legitimization of polygamy. Let us extend his line of argument further and assess the range of logical consequences of this decision. [Read more…]


Obama’s Leftist Beliefs and Hatred of America Evident in Speech

Obama’s communist tendencies, his embrace of leftist ideas/solutions, and his evident hatred of America and the freedoms and prosperity we were blessed with shows up again in his speeches. This man is a serious threat to our liberties and way of life.

AFP | May. 16, 2008

Pitching his message to Oregon’s environmentally-conscious voters, Obama called on the United States to “lead by example” on global warming, and develop new technologies at home which could be exported to developing countries.

“We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times … and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK,” Obama said.

“That’s not leadership. That’s not going to happen,” he added.

[Read more…]


Crude Mistake

Democrats prove yet again they do not care about the American public or real economics. These statists-socialists are destroying our future and crippling our economy by maintaining our dependance on foreign oil and limiting America’s energy options.

Investor’s Business Daily | May. 16, 2008

With the price of oil spiking above $127 a barrel, the search for scapegoats has begun. Some point to the Saudis, OPEC’s No. 1 producer. Others blame the oil companies. We have a better candidate: Congress. As President Bush traveled to Saudi Arabia to ask the House of Saud to open the oil spigots a bit wider, Congress showed once again how clueless it is when it comes to energy policy.

Underscoring its failure to grasp the nature of our current problems, the Senate Appropriations Committee on Friday refused to end its moratorium on oil shale development in Colorado. [Read more…]


If The GOP Wants To Govern Like Democrats, Why Have a Separate Party?

American Thinker | Jonathan D. Strong | May. 15, 2008

Republicans are and should be panicked over the fact that conservative Democrat Travis Childers just defeated Republican Greg Davis by a margin of 54%-46% in the race for a vacant Mississippi congressional seat. That seat is in a conservative district that had given President Bush a 25-point margin of victory over John Kerry in 2004 – it never should have flipped Democrat. This is the third double-digit loss in a row for Republican candidates in conservative districts across the United States. [Read more…]
