Withdrawal of Bible Literacy Project Endorsement

Free Congress.org | Paul M. Weyrich | May. 29, 2008

Alabama State Senator Scott Beason has turned out to be the principal opponent of a new textbook, THE BIBLE AND ITS INFLUENCE, backed by liberals for schools which want to teach about the Bible. Writing in Worldnetdaily.com, Beason outlines not only the background of the chief architect of the book but details how the book undermines belief in God. [Read more…]


On the Sadness of Higher Education

WSJ | Alan Charles Kors | May. 27, 2008

The academic world that I first encountered was one of both intellectual beauty and profound flaws. I was taught at Princeton, in the early 1960s—in history and literature, above all—before the congeries that we term “the ’60s” began. Most of my professors were probably men of the left—that’s what the surveys tell me—but that fact was never apparent to me, because, except in rare cases, their politics or even their ideological leanings were not inferable from their teaching or syllabi. Reasoned and informed dissent from professorial devil’s advocacy or interpretation was encouraged and rewarded, including challenges to the very terms of an examination question. [Read more…]


America in Ashes? Al-Qaeda Actively Planning to Nuke American Cities

FrontPageMag | Christopher S. Carson | May. 26, 2008

The latest audio message from al-Qaeda, reportedly from Osama bin Laden himself, is only the most recent confirmation that the jihadist threat to the West remains real and deadly serious. But the fact that it could take the form of nuclear terrorism should be most worrying to citizens and policy makers alike.

Where a nuclear attack once may have been beyond the capacities of stateless terrorists, that is no longer the case. One need only consider Khalid Sheik Mohammed (KSM), mastermind of 9/11 and chief operating officer of al-Qaeda, who revealed under intensive interrogation — including the much-maligned tactic of waterboarding — that a nuclear attack against the United States was a top priority for al-Qaeda. [Read more…]


Vatican daily derides package of anti-life measures passed in Great Britain

CNA | May. 22, 2008

The L’Osservatore Romano published an article this week slamming an anti-life package passed this week by Britain’s House of Commons that includes measures allowing the creation of human-animal embryos, in vitro fertilization, and artificial insemination for lesbians who want to have a child. [Read more…]


Anglican Church Bishop Working to Create “Gay” Christianity

LifeSiteNews.com | Hilary White | May. 16, 2008

The Anglican Church is the perfect vehicle for creating a new “gay” Christianity by virtue of the fact that it is the only church that accepts the logical contradiction of asserting both the sanctity of human life and the existence of a right to abortion.

Episcopal bishop Gene Robinson, whose ordination to the episcopate has precipitated the ongoing schism between traditionally Christian Anglicans and its ultra-liberal, secularized branches, is in London to talk about his vision for the homosexual future of the Anglican Church. He was visiting and promoting his cause in preparation for the upcoming Lambeth Conference in July. [Read more…]


Liberals and control

American Thinker | Larrey Anderson | May. 24, 2008

For nearly two hundred years liberals have believed that the government can solve complex economic problems like the provision and fair distribution of goods and services. For two hundred years they have tested that belief and for two hundred years they have failed. How is it possible for human beings to stay fixated on an idea that has proven untenable time after time after time? The reason: control. [Read more…]


How crypto-Marxism won the Cold War

American Thinker | James Lewis | May. 23, 2008

Today, for the first time in American history we have two — count ’em, two — hard-core Leftists running for the Democrat Party nomination. The Left hasn’t had this kind of chance for power since Truman defeated Henry Wallace in 1948. Hillary and Obama are Marx twins who only differ in race and gender.

All the media tell us is how great it is to have a woman and a black man running for president. What those two really believe, where they learned their quasi-religion, where they derive their support, who else they want to raise to power, and what they will do if they get there — all that doesn’t even get discussed. All over the world, Leftist hearts are leaping at Hillarybama. What exciting progress! [Read more…]
