Another Democrat calls for Nationalizing Oil Refinery Industry

American Thinker | Rick Moran | Jun. 19, 2008

The worrying thing is that the Congressman – Maurice Hinchey – isn’t getting laughed out of Washington for proposing a nationalization scheme for the refinery industry. Even at the height of liberalism’s power back in the 1960’s, no Democrat would have seriously entertained the notion.

But a recent Rasmussen poll found a staggering 37% of Democrats – a plurality – support nationalizing the oil companies. This makes one wonder if some kind of serious move might be made to actually bring the industry under government control: [Read more…]


The Skeptical Inquirer

Touchstone | Edward Tingley | June, 2008

If Only Atheists Were the Skeptics They Think They Are. Unbelievers think that skepticism is their special virtue, the key virtue believers lack. Bolstered by bestselling authors, they see the skeptical and scientific mind as muscular thinking, which the believer has failed to develop. He could bulk up if he wished to, by thinking like a scientist, and wind up at the “agnosticism” of a Dawkins or the atheism of a Dennett—but that is just what he doesn’t want, so at every threat to his commitments he shuns science. [Read more…]


Top 10 reasons to blame Democrats for soaring gasoline prices

American Thinker | William Tate | Jun. 16, 2008

10) ANWR – If Bill Clinton had signed into law the Republican Congress’s 1995 bill to allow drilling of ANWR instead of vetoing it, ANWR could be producing a million barrels of (non-Opec) oil a day–5% of the nation’s consumption. Although speaking in another context, even Democrat Senator Charles Schumer, no proponent of ANWR drilling, admits that “one million barrels per day,” would cause the price of gasoline to fall “50 cents a gallon almost immediately,” according to a recent George Will column. [Read more…]


The Progressive Road to Hell | Timothy Birdnow | May 26, 2008

This is what “progressive” social policies and good intentions have wrought! (What is paved with good intentions?) Feminism, welfare, and the sexual revolution, along with the explosion of narcotics, have completely destroyed the black family. This woman had a father, who was probably a drug addict or alcoholic and who likely lived on welfare. In another time, he would have been poor and uneducated, but would have worked and cared for his children. Thanks to the compassion of the Left, he was freed of any responsibility and could destroy himself and everyone around him at his leisure. Because more children mean more government largesse, poor women frequently become baby factories, spitting out more hopeless welfare recipients and keeping our prisons full. [Read more…]


The Climate Alarmist Manifesto

American Thinker | Marc Sheppard | Jun. 13, 2008

Just as class struggle forms the nucleus of Marxism, so does it sit at the very core of the Left’s climate alarmism. At a glance, the regressive nature of fiscal Carbon control schemes, be they taxation or cap-and-trade, would appear to be antithetical to liberal thinking. But beneath the veneer of both the domestic and international green agenda lies a devious wealth-redistribution plan compared to which all predecessors pale. [Read more…]


McCain Says Constitutional Right to Life Applies to Unborn | Deal Hudson | Jun. 13, 2008

In his prayer before McCain spoke, Father Pavone prayed that the “Lord would let all Christians know they are still His sons and daughters when they are in the voting booth.”

The first issue addressed by McCain was abortion. He said that the “noblest words ever written” were “the inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” McCain believes that those words “apply to the unborn.” He reminded the Philadelphia Catholics of his pro-life voting record, adding that he would “maintain that commitment” if elected president. [Read more…]


Return of the Dupes and the Anti-Anti-Communists

American Thinker | Paul Kengor | Jun. 13, 2008

Since literally the founding of the American Communist Party in 1919, the extreme left — specifically, the communists — have relied upon genuine liberals to be dupes, or suckers, to help further their cause. Here’s how it typically worked: the communists would engage in some sort of work or agenda, very focused, and which they would be prepared to publicly deny. Anyone who has done any work with or on communists, from New York City to Moscow, can speak at length about how they operated with deceit. As Vladimir Lenin had said, in a favorite quote cited often by Ronald Reagan, the only morality that communists recognized was that which furthered their interests. [Read more…]


Encouraging Thrift Just Makes Cents | Rebecca Hagelin | Jun. 12, 2008

Ask 10 people to define capitalism. Chances are, eight or nine will stress the importance of buying things.

They’re making a common mistake — equating capitalism with consumerism. As our friends over at the Acton Institute understand, capitalism, properly understood, involves more than just spending. It’s an economic system that (to the horror of liberals) puts decision-making power over financial matters where it belongs — with free individuals, not with government. [Read more…]
