The Left’s Lust for Revolutionary Transformation

American Thinker | James Lewis | Aug. 13, 2008

“Everything must be different!” or “Alles muss anders sein!” was a slogan of the Nazi Party. It is also the heart’s desire of every Leftist since Karl Marx. Nazism was a deeply revolutionary creed, a fact that is always denied by the Left; but it’s true. Hitler and his criminal gang hated the rich, the capitalists, the Jews, the Christian Churches, and “the System”. They went through their Leftist phase early in life, and then went on to discover Aryan racial purity as their beau ideal. (As a swarthy Italian, Mussolini preferred to appeal to ancient Roman imperial glory).

Nazism was hatched in the same little intellectual cafes as a myriad of Leftwing ideologies, like social-democracy, anarchism, the Socialist Workers’ Party, Trotskyism, Proudhonism, the lot. Peter Viereck writing in 1941 saw fascism’s origins clearly. In the back streets of European cities you can still find the local anarchist or Leninist storefront, with old guys wearing 1900 laborer’s caps and big mustaches, and fierce revolutionary posters of Lenin tacked on the walls. You can also find them in Berkeley, California. [Read more…]


Oregon’s Suicidal Approach to Health Care

American Thinker | Rita L. Marker | Sept. 14, 2008

Oregon seems to have found a surefire way to lower health care costs: Tell the patient you’ll pay for drugs that will end her life, but not those that would extend her life. Here’s how it works:

In May 2008, 64-year-old retired school bus driver Barbara Wagner received bad news from her doctor. She found out that her cancer, which had been in remission for two years, had returned. Then, she got some good news. Her doctor gave her a prescription that would likely slow the cancer’s growth and extend her life. She was relieved by the news and also by the fact that she had health care coverage through the Oregon Health Plan. It didn’t take long for her hopes to be dashed. [Read more…]


Feminist Admits “Abortion is Murder” but “I Am a Firm Supporter” | Tim Waggoner | Sept. 12, 2008

In an article focusing on newly appointed vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin, prominent feminist Camille Paglia admits that, much like Gov. Palin, she also believes abortion involves the murder of an innocent life – but unlike Palin, Paglia says she is a “firm supporter” of abortion.

Paglia’s piece, which appears on, is the latest indication that “utilitarian” philosophies that no longer recognize the “right to life” as being the most foundational human right are gaining ground in some liberal circles. Under these philosophies even murder can be advocated as long as it protects what is deemed to be an even more important “right” – in Paglia’s case the sacrosanct “right to abortion.” [Read more…]


Palin and the Left’s Comprehension Gap

American Thinker | Dave Smithee | Sept. 11, 2008

It’s always been true, but as the Palin mayhem demonstrates more extravagantly then ever, the left and their media allies possess a dangerous, childish ignorance of their conservative opposition. It manifests itself in their snide assessments of her as a white trash anti-woman, and in their hysterical bleating about her pregnant daughter, which was met with the sound of crickets and an indifferent ‘So?’ by the evangelicals that the news was apparently crafted to outrage. Yet that didn’t stop them from trying as they frantically waved around the lifeless non-story, making it dance like a desperate puppeteer putting on a show for an alien species it had no understanding of.

Behind closed doors at MSNBC, there might have been puzzlement as to why nobody had, as yet, tried to stone Bristol Palin. “But that’s what they do, isn’t it? When they’re not threatening gays?” Or take Sally Quinn’s recent comments on Palin. She’s fuzzy on the matter; but is pretty sure evangelicals are against women having jobs outside the home. [Read more…]


Obama Did Vote to Teach Sex Ed to Kindergartners

Amy Proctor | Amy Proctor | Sept. 14, 2008

You’ve probably seen John McCain’s You Tube ad saying Barack Obama’s only legislative accomplishment on education was voting yea on teaching kindergarteners sex education. The Obama campaign refutes the ad. They say the legislation taught kindergartners how to discern sexual predators.

Not true. The McCain ad is right. Obama voted in the Illinois Senate to pass a bill for comphrensive sex education for grades K-12. [Read more…]


Science slows global warming!

American Thinker | James Lewis | Sept. 7, 2008

Yes, kids, science is a wonderful thing. But not nearly as wonderful as climate modeling, which can perform supernatural miracles. Honest! Climate modeling can raise the level of the oceans (even without Obama’s intervention), it can burn up the planet a hundred years from now, and Shazzam! — the models can save us again — all without leaving your video games, and without the benefit of the real-world data that you need for boring old regular science.

At least, that’s what Nature — the oldest science journal in the world, going back to Isaac Newton — now claims. [Read more…]


Humans Have Astonishing Memories, Study Finds

Biology or secular-athiestic science simply cannot explain how such enormous amounts of information and data can be stored and knowledge can be retained and continually increased in a finite number of neurons. One word, miraculous! | Clara Moskowitz | Sept. 8, 2008

If human memory were truly digital, it would have just received an upgrade from something like the capacity of a floppy disk to that of a flash drive. A new study found the brain can remember a lot more than previously believed.

In a recent experiment, people who viewed pictures of thousands of objects over five hours were able to remember astonishing details afterward about most of the objects. [Read more…]


Obama “my Muslim faith”

Townhall Blog | reasonmclucus | Sept. 10, 2008

Republicans have jumped all over Barack Obama’s statement in a George Stephanopoulos on “This Week,” on ABC on September 7. “Let’s not play games,” he said. “What I was suggesting — you’re absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith.”

The Main Stream Media have largely ignored the statement because members of the MSM believe it is there job as Good Democrats to make Barack Obama look good. [Read more…]
