Why The Left Always Resorts To Brute Force

Townhall.com | Kevin McCullough | Oct. 19, 2008

After Barack Obama got rhetorically bludgeoned this week with the consequences of his own words to a working class guy from Toledo, the nation got a peek into his soul. It was not pretty and it should serve as a preview of what we can expect from Barack Obama towards those who disagree with him. It has been unattractive, unbecoming of someone running for President, and certainly riddled with hypocrisy and double standard. [Read more…]


Obama’s Carbon Ultimatum

Wall Street Journal | Oct. 20, 2008

Liberals pretend that only President Bush is preventing the U.S. from adopting some global warming “solution.” But occasionally their mask slips. As Barack Obama’s energy adviser has now made clear, the would-be President intends to blackmail — or rather, greenmail — Congress into falling in line with his climate agenda.

Jason Grumet is currently executive director of an outfit called the National Commission on Energy Policy and one of Mr. Obama’s key policy aides. In an interview last week with Bloomberg, Mr. Grumet said that come January the Environmental Protection Agency “would initiate those rulemakings” that classify carbon as a dangerous pollutant under current clean air laws. That move would impose new regulation and taxes across the entire economy, something that is usually the purview of Congress. Mr. Grumet warned that “in the absence of Congressional action” 18 months after Mr. Obama’s inauguration, the EPA would move ahead with its own unilateral carbon crackdown anyway. [Read more…]


Archbishop criticizes Obama, Catholic allies

God bless these Catholic bishops for their courage and passion for Truth and Christ. I wish just one Orthodox bishop would speak as boldly and publicly about the evil inherent in Obama’s wholesale endorsement of unrestricted abortion.
AP | Eric Gorski | Oct. 19, 2008

Denver Roman Catholic Archbishop Charles Chaput labeled Barack Obama the “most committed” abortion-rights candidate from a major party in 35 years while accusing a Catholic Obama ally and other Democratic-friendly Catholic groups of doing a “disservice to the church.” [Read more…]


A Liberal Supermajority

Wall Street Journal | Oct. 17, 2008

If the current polls hold, Barack Obama will win the White House on November 4 and Democrats will consolidate their Congressional majorities, probably with a filibuster-proof Senate or very close to it. Without the ability to filibuster, the Senate would become like the House, able to pass whatever the majority wants.

Though we doubt most Americans realize it, this would be one of the most profound political and ideological shifts in U.S. history. Liberals would dominate the entire government in a way they haven’t since 1965, or 1933. In other words, the election would mark the restoration of the activist government that fell out of public favor in the 1970s. If the U.S. really is entering a period of unchecked left-wing ascendancy, Americans at least ought to understand what they will be getting, especially with the media cheering it all on. [Read more…]


Banks Admit Bailout Won’t Work

Clusterstock.com | Henry Blodget | Oct. 17, 2008

So much for that story. A few days ago, when Hank Paulson called the heads of the nine families to Washington and shoved cash down their throats, he announced that the banks would use this new taxpayer cash to lend. They won’t, of course. They’ll hoard it like a starving family who has just been given a grocery cart full of food.

And after a few days of silence, even the banks are finally admitting that. So it’s back to the drawing board for Paulson & Co. [Read more…]


Alaska Glaciers Grew Fastest Since 1946

Anchorage Daily News | Craig Medred | Oct. 13, 2008

Two hundred years of glacial shrinkage in Alaska, and then came the winter and summer of 2007-2008. Unusually large amounts of winter snow were followed by unusually chill temperatures in June, July and August. […]

Never before in the history of a research project dating back to 1946 had the Juneau Icefield witnessed the kind of snow buildup that came this year. It was similar on a lot of other glaciers too. [Read more…]


Negrophilia afflicts U.S.

WorldNetDaily | Erik Rush | Oct. 16, 2008

Yes, America is a racist nation – but not in the way Democrat presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama and his cohorts Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Father Michael Pfleger, Otis Moss III and James Meeks would have us believe. Many of those whites who will cast votes for Obama on Nov. 4 are suffering from negrophilia, an inordinate affinity for blacks (as opposed to antipathy toward them).

For a few decades now, we’ve been subjected to the message from the news and entertainment media, liberal politicians and activists that people of color are somehow more noble, benevolent and inherently less corruptible than whites. Of course, this assessment is patent nonsense as well as irrational; there are innumerable examples of blacks (and others counted as minorities in America) engaging in monstrous behavior, particularly in the Third World. [Read more…]


Nurse Who Exposed Infanticide-Based Abortions: Obama Lied During Debate

LifeNews.com | Steven Ertelt | Oct. 15, 2008

The Chicago-area nurse who exposed the practice of life-birth abortions that led to he bill Barack Obama repeatedly opposed in the Illinois legislature says Obama lied about his record during the final presidential debate. Jill Stanek says Obama again misrepresented his position and record before the American people. [Read more…]


Secret Service says “Kill him” allegation unfounded

Obama caught in yet another lie. With so many wild claims and distortions Obama’s behavior is showin dangerous signs of pathological behavior.
The Times Leader | Andrew M. Seder | Oct. 15, 2008

The agent in charge of the Secret Service field office in Scranton said allegations that someone yelled “kill him” when presidential hopeful Barack Obama’s name was mentioned during Tuesday’s Sarah Palin rally are unfounded.

The Scranton Times-Tribune first reported the alleged incident on its Web site Tuesday and then again in its print edition Wednesday. The first story, written by reporter David Singleton, appeared with allegations that while congressional candidate Chris Hackett was addressing the crowd and mentioned Obama’s name a man in the audience shouted “kill him.” [Read more…]


On Bill Ayers and small ‘c’ communists

American Thinker | James Lewis | Oct. 15, 2008

Bill Ayers said in 1995 that he was just a “small ‘c’ communist.” He said it with a little laugh. And most of us aren’t even shocked. We’ve heard words like that before. But we should feel shivers running up our spines.

I know goofy liberals who moan about all the good intentions demonstrated by Karl Marx, Lenin, and Trotsky. They’re all Obama voters, for some reason. They are the same kinds of people who think Jesus was a communist, and that George W. Bush is Hitler. They are often the kind of people who try desperately to be completely nice in their lives, especially to designated victims. But often they harbor a belly full of rage — against conservatives, or big corporations, or fundamentalist Christians, or anybody who challenges their belief in their own saintliness.

In basic politics there are only two numbers you need to know. One is Six Million. You know what that means. The other number is not nearly as well-known, but it should be. It’s One Hundred Million. [Read more…]
