UK Announces Mandatory Sex Education for Kindergarteners | Kathleen Gilbert | Oct. 24, 2008

UK government officials announced yesterday that by the year 2010, 5-year-old children will enter the first stages of a comprehensive, explicit sex education program, mandatory for schools nationwide, including faith schools.

The compulsory Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) program will begin in kindergarten where Schools Minister Jim Knight says children will learn about “their differences, their friendships, and how to manage their feelings.” Knight insisted that the earliest curriculum will not be “sexually explicit,” saying “we are not talking about five-year olds having sex.” [Read more…]



American Thinker | Amil Imani | Oct. 25, 2008

Obama’s economic plan is a recipe for long-lasting disaster. Keep in mind that wrecking anything, as opposed to building things, requires very little time and effort. Obama’s plan is deceptively attractive, while in reality it is a huge wrecking ball that will capsize the already listing ship of our economy. Here is a partial list of reasons why. Judge for yourself. [Read more…]


North Korea clamps down on phones to stop news of food crisis

Times Online | Richard Lloyd Parry | Oct. 24, 2008

North Korea is clamping down on mobile phones and long distance telephone calls to prevent the spread of news about a worsening food crisis, according to the United Nations investigator on human rights for the isolated communist country.

In a report to the UN General Assembly, Vitit Muntarbhorn, a Thai law professor who has never been allowed to visit North Korea, said that its government is using public executions as a means of intimidating the population, and using spies to infiltrate and expose religious communities. [Read more…]


Obamanomics Abhors the Free Market | David Limbaugh | Oct. 23, 2008

For Obama Kool-Aid guzzlers who believe Joe the Plumber was a premeditated Republican plant to trap Obama into admitting his communist inclinations (even though Obama approached Joe, not the other way around), I refer you to Obama’s history of similar utterances in favor of soaking the rich.

In June, Obama said he’d designed his tax and spending policies to deal, in part, with the challenge of our “winner-take-all” economy, where the gains from economic growth skew heavily toward the wealthy. “A strong government hand,” he said, “is needed to assure that wealth is distributed more equitably.” He said he’d seen “no evidence” that tax cuts, particularly on business, spurred growth, calling the idea “flawed economics.” He must be unfamiliar with the Kennedy, Reagan and George W. Bush years, pre-financial crisis. [Read more…]


Freedom from freedom? Atheism, Christianity, and September 11

BreakPoint | Chuck Colson | October 2008

Those who would eliminate Christianity from public life are sawing off the branch they are sitting on.

September 11 the whole nation paused to remember the 3,000 innocent victims of 9/11 murdered by Islamist terrorists, and to be grateful for those who gave their lives to rescue others—everybody, that is, except the Freedom From Religion Foundation in Madison, Wisconsin. It spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on Sept.9 for a full-page propaganda ad in the New York Times—an ad that blamed religion for the horrors of September 11. [Read more…]


California Parental Notification Law on Abortion Helps Teens | Steven Ertelt | Oct. 20, 2008

A California police officer, who is a veteran of investigating sexual abuse cases, says the parental notification measure California voters will consider next month is sorely needed. California is one of a handful of states that don’t let parents know of their daughter’s potential abortion.

The case involved a San Bernardino County couple who didn’t find out until four years later that their 12-year-old daughter had been a victim of sexual abuse and that the assailant forced her to have an abortion to cover up his crime.

The couple reported the attack to police and, without their involvement, the abuser never would have been held accountable. [Read more…]


Thirty years of warmer temperatures go poof

National Post | Kelly McParland | Oct. 20, 2008

In early September, I began noticing a string of news stories about scientists rejecting the orthodoxy on global warming. Actually, it was more like a string of guest columns and long letters to the editor since it is hard for skeptical scientists to get published in the cabal of climate journals now controlled by the Great Sanhedrin of the environmental movement.

Still, the number of climate change skeptics is growing rapidly. Because a funny thing is happening to global temperatures — they’re going down, not up. [Read more…]


Obama Called Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) ‘Abhorrent’ in 2004 | Oct. 19, 2008

Obama on Marriage: “As an African-American man, a child of an interracial marriage, a committed scholar, attorney and activist who works to protect the Bill of Rights, I am sensitive to the struggle for civil rights. As a state Senator, I have taken on the issue of civil rights for the LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender] community as if they were my own struggle because I believe strongly that the infringement of rights for any one group eventually endangers the rights enjoyed under law by the entire population. Since 1996, I have been the sponsor or a chief co-sponsor of measures to expand civil liberties for the LGBT community including hate-crimes legislation, adoption rights and the extension of basic civil rights to protect LGBT persons from discrimination in housing, public accommodations, employment and credit.” [Read more…]
