Obama’s Civil Rights Agenda, A Social Catastrophe

WhiteHouse.gov | B. Hussein Obama | Jan. 21, 2009

Barack Obama’s wholesale support for the LGBT community is front and center on his agenda. Barely day 2 of his administration and the insanity begins. America’s social and moral fabric is being assaulted as never before. The consequences of these policies will have devastating effects on America’s future and all our freedoms. Madness, sheer madness! [Read more…]


Whose Money Is It, Anyway?

FoxNews.com | John R. Lott, Jr. | Jan. 19, 2009

Barack Obama claims that the House of Representatives’ new stimulus plan is needed to save the economy. Democrats promise to be “creating or saving of four million jobs.” News media report in all seriousness: “The democrats vow no earmarks or special projects will be attached to the bill. The focus is on jobs.” Also “more than 90 percent of the jobs created are likely to be in the private sector.”

Unfortunately, though, the $825 billion “stimulus” package has nothing to do with creating or saving jobs — it has everything to do with moving jobs from industries that Democrats don’t like to industries that they do. The “stimulus” package is just a wish list of every government program that liberal Democrats have long wanted. [Read more…]


Forced to abort

Washington Times | Jan. 18, 2009

Many women say they have been pressured into abortions they did not want, according to research conducted by the Elliot Institute, a nonprofit specializing in the effects of abortion on women and families.

For years, the pro-choice movement has circulated horrid tales of back-alley abortions performed before Roe v. Wade legalized abortion on demand in 1973. Yet the opposite phenomenon, which has occurred across the nation, is even more disturbing. In a society in which abortion is legal, many women and teens are pressured to abort their child. So how much choice do American women really have over their reproductive capacities? [Read more…]


The Fear of Doing Nothing

American Thinker | Jim H. Ainsworth | Jan. 16, 2009

A lot of our economic troubles could be solved if we could just keep our emotions in check. Seriously. It seems that fear, greed and the thirst for power have swept the country like an airborne virus. The fear of doing nothing rules the day — not logic, not study, not knowledge or analysis. Certainly not patience. Our leaders, whoever they are, are acting like third grade schoolchildren who have been told by their teacher that a snake is loose in the room. And by the way, wouldn’t you like to know who that teacher is? Who is in charge? [Read more…]


Man-Made CO2 Can’t Cause Global Warming; It Doesn’t Have the Mojo

North Star Writer’s Group | Candace Talmadge | Jan. 16, 2009

Despite all scare-mongering to the contrary, carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere is not the cause of global warming.

To be an agent of greenhouse heating, carbon dioxide (or any) atmospheric gas would have to be capable of absorbing in significant quantities both the sun’s radiation spectrum (the ultimate source of natural heating on Earth) and of absorbing heat radiating back from the Earth (the greenhouse effect). [Read more…]


The Meat and Potatoes of Child Indoctrination

American Thinker | Monte Kuligowski | Jan. 15, 2009

The Today Show recently featured a segment with Madelyn Fernstrom, a diet and nutrition expert, in which parents were taught how to facilitate their children, “some as young as seven, eight and nine,” who “choose meatless diets.”

Who knows whether it even occurred to the Today Show producers that in many traditional cultures kids don’t choose what to eat for dinner; many are happy just to have dinner. Regarding the people having emigrated from traditional countries to live in the States and the traditional people having been born and raised in America, the premise of the segment — that young children are free to choose to radically alter their diets — is shocking, to say the least. [Read more…]


CO2 Fairytales in Global Warming

AmericanThinker | Gregory Young | Jan. 11, 2009

If one were to script a Global Warming scam one would have to be a knot-head or brain-dead to pick Carbon Dioxide (CO2) as the lead factor.

Of course we know now that CO2 was rolled out as the “poster child” nemesis against the environment. It was meant to get us hysterical enough to plead with our politicians to exact a tax on our carbon footprints so that we can save the planet earth. But it’s turning out that the CO2 “poster child” has significant problems. Despite the fact that Carbon is a part of the CO2 molecule, the atmospheric science of CO2 directly contradicts what the AGW alarmists are trying to sell us. Promoting CO2 as the environmental monkey on our back is absolutely ludicrous. CO2 is friend to all life, not a foe. [Read more…]


PETA fishing for sympathy for ‘sea kittens’

Canada.com | Misty Harris | Jan. 13, 2009

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has launched a marketing campaign to rebrand fish as “sea kittens,” a name the organization hopes will increase awareness and make the vertebrates more endearing to those who would eat them.

“A lot of people don’t realize that fish are capable of feeling fear and pain, that they develop relationships with each other, and even show affection by gently rubbing against one another,” says Ashley Byrne, PETA’s sea kitten campaign co-ordinator. “Knowing that the fish sticks in the school cafeteria are really made out of tortured sea kittens makes most kids want to lose their lunch.” [Read more…]


Why Christian Colleges are Thriving

OrthodoxyToday | George Marsden | Jan. 13, 2009

Evangelical colleges and universities have been thriving. According to the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities, the one hundred or so “intentionally Christ-centered institutions” that they count among their affiliates have been growing at a remarkably faster rate than have other major sorts of American colleges and universities. From 1990 to 2004, all public four-year campuses grew by about 13%, all independent four year campuses (including many schools with broad religious or denominational connections) grew by about 28%. But schools associated with the CCCU grew by nearly 71%. [Read more…]
