Obama Lets Media Get Under His Thin Skin

The “true” Obama emerges from the propaganda cloud created and promoted by the mainstream media. It’s not a pretty picture.

Pajamas Media | Martha Zoller | Feb. 6, 2009

President Obama has shown the dent in his shield. He’s sensitive about what people think of him. That’s understandable since there was very little negative coverage of him during the campaign. In addition, he had so much money he could drown out any negative questions about him. The networks and the mainline newspapers had to admit after the election they’d been a little slanted towards Obama in their coverage. You can’t blame them. As then-Senator Biden said during the campaign, “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.” [Read more…]


Obama Wants to Drastically Reduce US Nuclear Capability

Obama is showing his true colors. He’s a clueless idealist willing to sacrifice our country’s safety and security for pipe dreams of a “world without nuclear weapons” (his own words). This type of “change” makes terrorists and totalitarian regimes around the world jump for joy. Folks, we’re in serious trouble with this sorry excuse of a president.

AP | BARRY SCHWEID | Feb. 5, 2009

The Obama administration, reversing the Bush administration’s limited interest in nuclear disarmament, is gearing up for early negotiations with Russia on a new treaty that would sharply reduce stockpiles of nuclear warheads.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has notified Congress and her staff that she intends to get started quickly on talks with the Russians, who have voiced interest in recent weeks in settling on a new treaty calling for cutbacks in arsenals on both sides. [Read more…]


Dissing Hansen

American Thinker | Peter C Glover | Feb. 2, 2009

In November 2008, NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), run by Dr James Hansen, and one of the four bodies responsible for monitoring global temperatures, announced that October 2008 was the “hottest on record”. Which must have come as something of a shock to the countless millions who trudged through the heavy snow and ice in what they had been told was an unseasonally cold October. But then Hansen should know. He is, after all, climate alarmism’s ‘Mr Big’. But then this is far from the first time Hansen has been caught ‘fiddling’ the climate figures.

In October, two independent monitors at Watts Up With That and Climate Audit, performed their own detailed analysis of Hansen’s reported data. What they found should disturb us all. They discovered that the GISS readings from across a swathe of Russia that appeared to reveal a warming of 10 degrees above average were not readings for October at all. They were a repeat of September’s readings. [Read more…]


Inmates in charge of the asylum in DC

American Thinker | Ed Lasky | Feb. 3, 2009

The reviews are in and Barack Obama seems to have laid a big fat egg — on Wall Street anyway. In all fairness, the President cannot be held responsible for all the turmoil afflicting the stock market and the American economy. The crisis did precede him. But we were promised that an Obama presidency would restore our economy; the campaign was all about hope and change. Change is happening but not the hope. How do we know this? [Read more…]


The Great Myth

Traditional Marriage Orthodox Church ReaffirmsBreakPoint | Allan Dobras | Jan. 7, 2009

A December issue of Newsweek featured a cover story entitled “Our Mutual Joy” that purported to offer a “religious case” for gay “marriage.” Author Lisa Miller claimed, “Opponents of gay marriage often cite Scripture. But what the Bible teaches about love argues for the other side.” Really?

It is interesting that apologists for the homosexual lifestyle typically say, on the one hand, that religious conservatives don’t really understand Scripture; if they did, they would see that there is no prohibition against homosexual love or marriage. On the other hand, they tell us the Bible is not to be trusted as a modern-day commentary when it speaks on moral issues—particularly sexuality. As Miller put it, “the Bible is a living document, powerful for more than 2000 years because its truths speak to us even as we change through history. In that light, Scriptures give us no good reason why gays and lesbians should not be married.” [Read more…]


Google covers President O’s flank

American Thinker | Thomas Lifson | Jan. 28, 2009

Google has changed the rules on its serach engine to protect President Obama from the same sort of mockery it allowed of President Bush.

For better or worse, Google’s search engine has become the principal index for online information, giving the company tremendous opportunities to inflict bias on the nation’s (and world’s) information flow. Sadly, the company is demonstrating a willingness to slant leftward [Read more…]


Two ex-Guantanamo Inmates Re-Join Al-Qaeda

Message to all our men and women in uniform: When encountering TERRORISTS using deadly force anywhere Shoot to Kill. STOP TAKING PRISONERS! Thank You!
AFP | Jan. 25, 2009

Two men released from the US “war on terror” prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba have appeared in a video posted on a jihadist website, the SITE monitoring service reported.

One of the two former inmates, a Saudi man identified as Abu Sufyan al-Azdi al-Shahri, or prisoner number 372, has been elevated to the senior ranks of Al-Qaeda in Yemen, a US counter-terrorism official told AFP. [Read more…]


The End of Capitalism?

Acton.org | Michael Miller | Jan. 21, 2009

Who would have imagined 20 years ago — when the Berlin Wall fell and we celebrated the death of socialism — that capitalism would begin 2009 under heavy fire. The Cardinal of Westminster, Cormack Murphy O’Connor, reportedly went so far as to say that, as 1989 marked the end communism, 2008 was the year when “capitalism had died.”

What are we to make of capitalism in light of all the crises, fraud, and government intervention, when even some traditional supporters of markets are supporting bailouts and seem to have lost faith in the market order? Is capitalism no longer credible? Is capitalism really to blame for the financial woes we now face? [Read more…]


Abortion: The Unspoken Jihad

AmericanThinker | Matt Spivey | Jan. 22, 2009

In Arabic, the word “jihad” means “inner struggle,” and for those involved in one particular battle, there is no simple answer and varying perspectives cause, in many cases, violent reactions and repercussions. That word has come to signify the murder of innocence and the demolition of security in a time of worldwide uncertainty. The death toll keeps rising as years keep passing, and fighting in this war guarantees earning the label of “radical,” “extremist,” or “fanatic.” Yet those who do keep fighting are actually trying to save lives. With the 36th year of Roe v. Wade passing today, the war rages on. [Read more…]
