by Met. Ephrem (Kyriakos) –
Children’s behavior is directly connected to the state of the family. Prayer in the family, in the house and in the church makes a child feel secure.
Saint Porphyrios says, “Children’s upbringing begins from the moment of their conception. The fetus hears and feels when he is in his mother’s womb.” A mother must pray much during the period of pregnancy. What sanctifies children and makes them good is their parents’ life in the home. Children’s behavior is directly connected to the state of the family.
Children today need people who provide them with a model and with prayer. Everything happens through prayer, silence and love: much prayer and little talking for children. If we constantly give them advice, them we will become overbearing to them. Family should not pressure children in order to make them good by force. We must let God speak in their souls.
In the Book of Wisdom, Solomon says, “One who watches for Wisdom (i.e., Christ) at dawn will not be disappointed, for she will be found sitting at the gate” (Wisdom of Solomon 6:14) that is, present near him. A good upbringing in the Lord from infancy causes children not to be influenced by any of the bad influences coming from their surroundings.
A priest must know in his wisdom how to guide a child along with his family, so that they will not drown in this consumerist social vortex. He must earn the family’s trust, making him a spiritual father to every member of the family. Then they consult him in matters relating to the children and their problems at home, in church and at school. He must make use of knowledge of pedagogy and psychology relating to children and the family.
Here we want to call attention to and stress what what Saint Paisios advised about raising children, in terms of both family and priests. That is, providing the virtue of devotion (philotimia), which requires sacrifice, persistence and patience alongside instruction and guidance so that we may attain healing from all the maladies of sin.
So let us resemble the Lord Jesus Christ who ” went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people” (Matthew 9:35).
By the grace of the Holy Spirit, this virtue of devotion makes the one who possesses it into a saint who is capable, by the healing power of the Lord Jesus, to comfort others, cause them to grow, and make them holy.
– Metropolitan Ephrem (Kyriakos)
HT: Pravoslavie. (Bolding of key words and phrases, and some minor content organizational changes made by blog editors to improve readability.)