Orthodox Christians – Proclaim the Gospel Truth Without Fear

Orthodox Christians - Proclaim the Gospel Truth Without Fearby Abbot Tryphon –
These are times that call for bold and courageous Orthodox faithful to step forward, proclaiming the Gospel Truth without fear

The Church Militant, which is the Church of Christ here on this earth, is in the midst of a battle. Our enemy is not one of flesh and blood, but one of darkness and evil. The survival of humankind is not dependent on the number of people who accept or reject the true faith, but rather that those who do, activate the fermentation, for just as yeast acts as a starter for bread, so faith in Christ can transform the entire cosmos.

Satan hates the Church, and the spirit of darkness hates those who proclaim the truth, both in how they love others, and how they proclaim the gospel in all its purity and holiness. As the world proclaims foul and evil teachings that are in opposition to the truths proclaimed in the gospels, God’s true servants proclaim the healing message the world so desperately needs.

True proclaimers of the teachings of the Church become the active ingredients for the transformation of this fallen world, often while the world marginalizes them. In an attempt to silence the very purveyors of God’s truth, those who, often without realizing it, fail in their own witness to Christ, are in fact misdirecting those who most need the medicine needed for the very transformation that only Truth can offer.

In these dark days for our world, many seemingly serious Christians are offering watered down faulty cures for an ailing society that is no different than that offered by atheists and Marxists. They turn themselves into secular social workers, offering only that which the world has to offer.

These are times that call for bold and courageous Orthodox faithful to step forward, proclaiming the Gospel Truth without fear, even unto death. If we are not willing to be marginalized by the society that surrounds us, or even to face martyrdom, we are unworthy to call ourselves Christians. In the end it is not the world whose respect we must seek, but the admiration and solidarity with the saints who have gone on before us in victory, and who await us in the Heavenly Kingdom.

Love in Christ,
Abbot Tryphon

HT: Abbot Tryphon Facebook post from Aug. 24, 2024.


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