Pride Month is Demonic, It Devours Children and Families

Pride Month is Demonic, It Devours Children and Peopleby Fr. Seraphim Holland –
Pride month is the voice of the demons.

We now are in the midst of a month where people are bragging about their sin. Can you imagine that? Bragging about their sin. Being proud of their sin.

What a terrible world we’re in now. People are proud of their sin. It is promoted by government. And eventually it’s going to be the law of the land. Not just that it’s their laws that that promote it, but that you cannot gain say it. You’ll be put into a mental asylum, or have drug therapy or put in prison. That’s going to happen.

And your children, I don’t know what you people are doing that are having your children go to public school. You must like be under a rock or something.

The things that your children are being told in public school that you have no control over are horrendous, horrible. They’re teaching people, they’re teaching your children, not just perverse things. They’re teaching your child a different salvation. That’s what it basically is. It’s demonic. It’s a different salvation.

There’s only one salvation. There is the Holy Trinity and we are to be one with the Holy Trinity. There is no other salvation.

But their salvation, the world salvation, which is mixed with perversity and with pride and with everything else, is that you redefine who you are as a human being. It’s absolutely demonic.

Pride month is the voice of the demons.

You need to know this that those things are happening. They’re happening to your children. They’re happening to you. You’re in your workplace and there’s all kinds of possibilities of capitulation to these demonic things in some way.

And they affect us even if you don’t give in to these things. Even if you are not afraid to say it out loud that this all this stuff is demonically sinful, as a movement. (An individual person could have struggled with sin.) But as a movement this is a demonic movement meant to devour people.

And that’s what’s happening. People are getting devoured left and right. Especially with all of the trans stuff which is completely redefining what a human being is.

A human being is made in the image of God, to know God. They’re not defined by their gender, or their sexuality, or anything else. The only thing that defines you is you are made in the image of God. That’s it. Nothing else.

Any other definition is of the demons. And that’s what’s happening in this world.

Now how are you going to inoculate yourself and your children against these things?

Excerpts from a homily on Pentecost, June 2023 by Fr. Seraphim Holland. See full video clip below.

Note from Fr. Seraphim Holland on YouTube:
Somebody needs to say what the alphabet soup agenda is all about. It preaches another salvation and contributes to millions of souls being coerced into believing another identity for what a human being is. We do not reject individuals who sin. We reject propaganda and heresy from the Devil’s mouth to the ears of those who are lost in the world. We also discuss how to protect our children (and first: ourselves!) from the LGBTQT+ agenda and all the other demonic agendas. May God enlighten our bishops who are saying nothing about this killer of souls, including those who use ambiguous and unctuous words, which deceive the sheep.


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