‘Gender Identity’ is the Great Lie of Transgender Ideology

Gender Identity is the Great Lie of Transgender Ideologyby Steven A Richards –
The Gender Unicorn is a recruiting tool to destroy children using transgender delusions and lies.

Shortly before I decided to detransition, I had a conversation with a trans friend about the Gender Unicorn. I was frustrated by it. I said, it doesn’t make any sense! It doesn’t actually represent what being trans is about at all! In some ways, the ideas it represents run completely counter to the actual goals of the trans movement!

My friend’s response was that it didn’t matter; it was better than the binary concept of gender believed by mainstream society. The Gender Unicorn didn’t have to make sense, it just had to be simple and easy to spread. It’s not an accurate representation of the ideology behind the transgender rights movement because it was never meant to be.

It’s a recruiting tool.

The Lies of Gender Ideology
According to the Gender Unicorn, everyone has a gender identity: an internal gender separate from their sex. Like sex, it can be male or female. It can also be things other than male or female. In fact, there’s no limit to what a gender can be! Some people are “non-binary”, meaning their gender identity is neither male nor female. Gender identity doesn’t correspond to anything physical in the body or brain. It can’t be observed from the outside, but is known to the person experiencing it. A person can know their gender identity at any age, and can never be wrong about it—except when they are. Gender identity has no bearing on a person’s personality, behavior, or mannerisms—except when it does.

When one’s gender identity doesn’t match one’s biological sex, this causes a condition known as gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria has no cure, but nevertheless should be treated via gender transition. Gender transition involves interfering with a trans person’s endocrine system to cause them to develop secondary sex characteristics of the opposite sex and surgery to remove or alter unwanted sex characteristics. This is called medical transition. Medical transition changes a person’s sex, not their gender—except that it doesn’t change their sex, because one’s sex is determined by their gender identity. A male whose gender identity is female actually has a female body, and his—sorry, “her”—penis is a female sex organ. Despite this, “she” may want to get surgery to make “her” penis into a non-functional caricature of a vagina. Such an act should be celebrated.

Just as important as medical transition is social transition. When someone tells you they’re trans, you need to affirm them. You need to allow them to access facilities and opportunities intended for the opposite sex. You need to treat them, in every circumstance, as if they are the opposite sex—even when it comes to sex and medical treatment. You need to call them by whatever name they choose. You need to use their preferred pronouns. Most importantly, you need to believe. You need to look at someone who’s obviously male and believe, deep down in your heart, that he’s actually a woman.

If you don’t understand this ideology—if you think it’s absurd and incoherent—that’s because it makes no sense. But the thing is, it doesn’t have to. It’s a lie. Some trans rights activists—often new recruits—believe it whole-heartedly. Others sort of believe it, or have developed complicated justifications to make it make sense (maybe they weren’t born trans, but became trans due to being “socialized as the wrong gender”). Some recognize its absurdity, but see it as useful for bringing more people into the movement. A few don’t like it at all. But all of them benefit from it.

The seeming contradictions of gender ideology make perfect sense when you understand how they serve the interests of the movement.

For example, consider gender expression. Gender expression encompasses both your behavior and the clothes you wear. It’s completely disconnected from your gender identity—except when it’s not. Sometimes, being a guy who wears dresses or a girl with short hair says nothing about your gender identity. Other times it’s indicative of repressed knowledge of your gender identity.

The purpose of this seeming contradiction is to bring people into the movement and keep them in it. If you’re a “cis person” who doesn’t meet the stereotypes of your gender, well, you’re probably trans. But if you’re a trans person who doesn’t meet the stereotypes of your chosen gender—say, a female “trans man” who likes dresses and flowers, or a male “trans woman” who loves video games—then that doesn’t suggest anything at all about your gender identity. The rules are inconsistently applied to serve specific purposes.

Likewise, every trans person knows their gender identity, and this cannot be questioned. “Trans kids know who they are” is a popular rallying cry among proponents of childhood social transition. However, sometimes trans kids don’t know who they are. Sometimes, they think they’re “cis”. If a male child thinks he’s a boy, he should question his gender, because he might actually be a girl. If a male child thinks he’s a girl, though, that belief can’t be challenged under any circumstances.

Social transition is the most insidious trick of all. It weaponizes your empathy to force you to act according to the beliefs of the trans movement and tries to guilt-trip you into adopting those beliefs. If you don’t go along with someone’s transition without question, you’re a transphobe. You’re doing harm to them. This expectation can easily establish a stranglehold over a community, and then force compliance by threatening expulsion for anyone who doesn’t act properly and adopt the right beliefs. And once you’ve taken on one belief which obviously doesn’t reflect reality—say, “trans women are women”—it becomes much easier to push you into believing even more extreme falsehoods.

Excerpts from: Gender Identity Isn’t Real. (Minor organizational edits and bolding of key phrases done by blog editors done to enhance readability.)

Gender Identity is the Great Lie of Transgender Ideology


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