Met. Seraphim of Piraeus Denounces Heretical Conduct of Elpidophoros on Baptism for Gay Couple

Met. Seraphim of Piraeus Denounces Heretical Conduct of Elpidophoros on Baptism for Gay Coupleby Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus –
Consequently, this particular Hierarch … preferred the “modern gospel” of the serpent to the teaching of the Church and is now under the curse of the Holy and God-bearing Fathers

We have emphasized in many of our interventions that the Church, the Body of Christ according to the heavenly Apostle Paul (Eph 1:23) is the land of converted sinners, and the revealed God Word declared “I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” (Mark 2:17). The proclamation of the same Apostle of the Nations (1 Tim 1:15-16) is significant, as he claimed only one first place, that of the first of sinners. This is why the Church of Christ has always surrounded the fallen man with infinite love, because there is no sin or crime that cannot be healed and restored by the unfathomable patience of the Holy Creator of life and man.

The opposition of the Gospel’s message, the preaching of the God-bearing Apostles and the Divine and Sacred Canons of the Holy God-bearing Fathers, does not concern the persons of the unfortunate victims of the serpent, but the sin, which separates from Holy God and which returns man to the ground and deprives him of the prospect of coinherence with the Eternal Presence of the Lord of Glory and theosis. Accordingly, love and mercy towards the sinner is the emphatic practice and commandment of the Savior, which is expressed throughout His presence on earth and in a moving way with the parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin (Luke 15:3-10) and the condemnation of sin as the generative cause of illness and death (John 5:14).

We mention all of the above because of the inadmissible (as it appears from the document and report to the Holy Synod, of Rev. Metropolitan Glyfada, Mr. Antonios) action of the Most Reverend Archbishop of America, Mr. Elpidophoros, to celebrate after a procession and with great publicity the sacrament of the baptism of two children, who have been “adopted” by a “couple” of homosexuals. Certainly, the baptism and the admission of every human being into the Kingdom of God is a work of grace and blessing and obeys the commandment of the incarnate Lord “Go ye therefor, and teach all nations, baptizing them” (Matthew 28:19-20).

However, the performance of the mystery of baptism, with great publicity, of two unfortunate children – which is the cause of the tragedy of our time, which has institutionalized the subversion of human ontology and physiology, as an alleged human right, when it has nothing to do with human nature, but it is a psychopathological deviation that trivializes the human person and dirties man’s soul and fulfills the definition of the great criminologist Cesare Lombroso that “the homosexual has no moral restraint and no metaphysical ideal” – who are in the midst of the two allegedly homosexual parents, by the sole responsibility of the state which “legislated” in this regard, with the result that they are deprived of the life-giving caress of the mother and the robust personality of the father, that is, they are deprived of the standards of life, it becomes the springboard for the Ecclesiastical amnesty of the Ecclesiastical crime of sodomy, which is a mortal sin that deprives one of communion with the Living God and inevitable leads its unfortunate victim to eternal perdition.

Therefore the specific priestly practice of the Most Reverend Archbishop of America Mr. Elpidophoros and the substantial rewarding of unrepentant sodomites and their promotion in the Church, as supposedly “God-fearing persons”, who baptize their children in an Orthodox way, and the consequent amnesty of the deadly crime of sodomy and the subversion of human ontology and physiology, directly offends the anthropology and soteriology of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church and leads the specific Hierarch to trial before the Holy Canons and the Lord of the Church, because through his practical “teaching” he annulled the relevant soteriological mandate of the Holy Bible (Leviticus 18:22, Genesis 19:24, Rom. 1:27-28).

Consequently, this particular Hierarch, for obvious reasons of publicity or others that we do not know, preferred the “modern gospel” of the serpent to the teaching of the Church and is now under the curse of the Holy and God-bearing Fathers and the Canonical provision of the Canonical Judicial bodies of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Personally, and because I am connected to him by friendship, I publicly call him to restore the spiritual damage caused, seeking the forgiveness of the Holy Lord of the Church and the Ecclesiastical Body.


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Letter of Met. Seraphim of Piraeus provided below:
Met. Seraphim of Piraeus Denounces Heretical Conduct of Elpidophoros on Baptism for Gay Couple

HT: Byzantine, TX.

Met. Seraphim of Piraeus Denounces Heretical Conduct of Elpidophoros on Baptism for Gay Couple


7 thoughts on “Met. Seraphim of Piraeus Denounces Heretical Conduct of Elpidophoros on Baptism for Gay Couple”

  1. Amen Fr. Seraphim! You are most courageous for speaking up and out the truth with love, strength and conviction helping to mend the hurt and division the heretics have created at the Patriarchate level. I among many call and seek the immediate removal of AB Elpidophoros from his position within the hierarchy.

  2. BRAVO Met. Seraphim ,
    A well written compassionate letter showing humility and extending metanoia . Wish you were America’s Archbishop! AXIOS

  3. Throw Elpidophoros OUT along with his evil, money grabber gang,
    Including the Prince of Darkness
    Alex Karloutsos who doesn’t deserve Medal of Freedom he stole because he slobbered & sold out to creepy demonic Joe Biden.
    Karloutsos was never a Priest – he’s one monumental sheister & sleazebag who belongs in Jail.

  4. Meanwhile Apb. Elpidophoros doubles down on his heterical support of homosexuality and gay “marriage.” John Chryssavgis, archdeacon and theological adviser to the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, wrote an atrocious piece defending Apb. Elpi and his actions. This confirms yet again the depth of the spiritual darkness and apostasy raging in the GOA.

    A tempest over a baptism in Greece raises questions about what we’re trying to protect
    July 25, 2022 – By John Chryssavgis

    What happened was simply another baptism, but what ensued was something everyone in the world of faith is familiar with of late: Another episode in the culture wars.

    It also revealed how out of touch the Orthodox Church is with reality and the world.

    We observed it in the response to COVID-19; we witnessed it in the defense of Russia’s war on Ukraine. A mere glance at tabloids and blogs reflects how the Orthodox Church lives in its own bubble. There, we excel in ostentatious rituals and flamboyant vestments.

    There are certain topics that Orthodox Christians are singularly uncomfortable broaching. Most prominent among these is homosexuality, which arouses much passionate emotion but little rational discourse. Simply regurgitating the catchphrase that we “loathe the sin but love the sinner” can often be condemnation masquerading as compassion — it is, after all, easier to label than to listen.

    There should be no controversy over a baptism, to which all children are entitled. Why then has Elpidophoros’ action caused such contention and accusation? When an independent church reaches out to the ecumenical patriarchate about what transpired, I have to wonder what exactly our fears about this event conceal.

    Are we afraid that tradition or truth might be diluted? Are we perhaps afraid of unraveling a seamless fabric? Yet the historical church never shunned difficult debates in councils over centuries, even — and especially — when it came to contentious and complicated issues like Christ’s gender (or flesh) and the significance (or style) of depicting the holy.

    Are we afraid of opening Pandora’s box? Should the metropolitan of Glyfada have been more informed about what happens in his diocese? Or is there another reason why he scrambled to wash his hands and cover his tracks? He admits he wouldn’t have the courage to decide had he been provided all the information.

    Should Archbishop Elpidophoros have clarified in writing that the children baptized do not belong to what the metropolitan of Glyfada calls “a traditional family”? Do we expect the same for children of single parents? What happens in the case of atheist parents? What of parents who undergo civil marriage or are not married at all?

    In such cases, do we impose any limitations on photography or publicity, as has been suggested in this case?

    Are we afraid of being too close to “sinners” or possibly contaminated by sin? The metropolitan of Piraeus ignored a similar baptism in central Athens some years ago; but he was discomfited by the recent baptism in a neighboring diocese. Too close for comfort? Once asked whether there were any gay Orthodox, he allegedly replied that, if “sodomites” exist in the church, “we must distance such sick people from others.” How would the metropolitan respond if asked whether there are gay bishops in the church?

  5. But wait, YOUR Elpidophoros will be YOUR next patricarch of Constantinople! He is already being “groomed” for the top job. The Archdiocese of America (since Metaxas, Athenogoras, Iakovos and now Elpidophoros) have and will continue to injected their “heretical venom”.


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