Democrat Party and Biden Administration Promote Transgender Mutilation of Children

Democrat Party and Biden Administration Promote Transgender Mutilation of Childrenby Rod Dreher –
This stuff is absolutely intolerable. I remind you: they are talking about seizing children from families to put them through sex reassignment.

Yeah, yeah, squall about it all you want, but that’s exactly what the Democratic Party is, if you take seriously the Biden Administration’s newly released guidelines on health care for trans youth. Take a look:

The Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Population Affairs released a document Thursday titled “Gender Affirming Care and Young People.” The same day, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s National Child Traumatic Stress Network – another subset of the HHS – released a parallel document titled, “Gender-Affirming Care Is Trauma-Informed Care.”

The HHS documents describe what it calls appropriate treatments for transgender adolescents, including: “‘Top’ surgery – to create male-typical chest shape or enhance breasts;” and “‘Bottom’ surgery – surgery on genitals or reproductive organs, facial feminization or other procedures.”


“For transgender and nonbinary children and adolescents, early gender-affirming care is crucial to overall health and well-being as it allows the child or adolescent to focus on social transitions and can increase their confidence while navigating the healthcare system,” the NCTSN wrote in their release. “It may include evidence-based interventions such as puberty blockers and gender-affirming hormones.”

The NCTSN document goes out of its way to assure the public that the use of gender-affirming methods such as surgery and hormone replacement are not child abuse – most likely in response to recent policy decision in Texas that made such treatments illegal.

Here is a link to the fuller HHS document stating the administration’s position. Excerpts:

There is no scientifically sound research showing negative impacts from providing gender-affirming care. The decision for the child welfare system to become involved in the lives of families, potentially to the extent of removing children from their families and homes, should be wielded with the utmost care, grounded in evidence, and always prioritizing the well-being of children and preservation of families.

That ought to send a chill down everyone’s spine. The Biden Administration is laying the policy groundwork for the seizing of minor children from parents, for the sake of jacking those children up with hormones, and mutilating their bodies with surgery!
Democrat Party and Biden Administration Promote Transgender Mutilation of Children

Got that? It is US Government policy that you must affirm, always affirm. There is no controversy here. None. Along those lines:
Democrat Party and Biden Administration Promote Transgender Mutilation of Children
I remind you that this very US government policy document actually states that there are “no scientifically sound” reasons to doubt whether hormones and surgery for minors is harmful, and to say, therefore, that children may be removed from their families so that their bodies can be altered by the state.

This is the Democratic Party at work. This is what it means to have a Democratic government. Does having a Republican government mean reversing all of this? One hopes so.

Folks, they really are coming for our children. It’s right there on the government website. They are propagandizing doctors to act as agents of the state in the seizure of kids. Read the document yourself!

UPDATE: This is one issue on which I don’t believe it is possible to be too radical in pushing back. This stuff is absolutely intolerable. I remind you: they are talking about seizing children from families to put them through sex reassignment. Could that possibly be more dystopian?! Sure, they say that they are going to be careful about it, but the fact is they plan to do it at all. This is outrageous. People should be in the streets protesting this.

Excerpts from: The American Conservative. (Minor organizational edits and bolding of key phrases done by blog editors done to enhance readability.)

Democrat Party and Biden Administration Promote Transgender Mutilation of Children


1 thought on “Democrat Party and Biden Administration Promote Transgender Mutilation of Children”

  1. It is not only the Democrats who are pushing this. It is also the Republicans. There are only artificial constructs of “sides” in the U.S. … meaning … the Dems and the Reps are both the same uni-party parading as two parties. The leaders of both parties are pushing this trash on the American people. I know the majority of the American people find the Biden Administration wicked in the most awful sense of wicked. The vast majority of the “selected not elected” American politicians are corrupt and compromised. They care only for the under-the-table monies flowing into their own coffers. I would encourage most people who live outside the U.S. who read this article to read it again knowing both parties are one corrupt party. It is also the corrupt global elites who are pushing this on the world and my country as well. Most Americans, tho imperfect, find the pedophile tendencies of their leaders loathsome. A lot of us are working on rewriting the voting laws, using Legalize to stop them, and making life a living hell for them so they will step down. We are also holding the line and fighting back until the majority of the American people wake up and make a force strong enough to arrest these politicians and people. Just Saying and just Fyi …


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