Petition for Bishops to Denounce Blasphemous “Orthodoxy in Dialogue” Website

Petition for Bishops to Denounce Blasphemous Orthodoxy in Dialogue Websiteby Michael Sisco –
The website, Orthodoxy In Dialogue, which is run by Giacomo Sanfilippo, is a blasphemous site that makes a mockery of Orthodoxy. It actively promotes lifestyles and concepts that are contrary to the Orthodox Faith and Holy Tradition. This site also frequently attacks the faithful who vocally stand for truth with gross exaggerations and outright lies.

The undersigned Orthodox Laypersons and Clergy, kindly request that our Orthodox Bishops publicly denounce this vile website, and consider excommunication of those who assist them in subverting our faith.

Add your name to the petition here: Petition to Denounce Orthodoxy In Dialogue.

Here are some examples of blasphemy and subversion published on their website:

“The sexual revolution was bound to happen… Sexual revolutionaries want to live, to experience life at its most direct, to eschew the hypocritical veneer of bourgeois respectability.”

“Surely their [“they” being the aforementioned sexually liberated] sincere openness to these questions reveals the gentle power of the Holy Spirit wafting as a life-giving breath through this world that He helped bring into being. This is the world that God loved so much that He sent His only-begotten Son—as St. Maximus and St. Symeon the New Theologian tell it—to take her into His marriage bed and make love to her. He has no interest in finding a bride among the self-righteous. “

“We pray for the day when who we are can be affirmed in the Church on earth as it already is in the Church in heaven. We pray for the day when we can meet our future partner in church, or bring our partner to church.”

Politics is necessary if it is for the liberal cause that we believe in. [paraphrase]

Sanfilippo is not new to controversy, his LGBT agenda has been publicly called out and exposed on some of Orthodoxy’s biggest and most-trusted websites including Ancient Faith, Pravoslavie (also known as OrthoChristian) and Orthodoxy Today:

The agenda of Orthodoxy In Dialogue is obviously to “liberalize” the Orthodox Church’s teaching and practice according to modern norms, rather than conforming to the eternal truth that is expressed in its fullness in the Orthodox Church. We humbly request that our Orthodox Bishops publicly denounce the website, Orthodoxy In Dialogue, and consider further actions, such as excommunication, for those who write for and promote their subversive and blasphemous materials

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Relevant Comments – Reasons for Signing

“The [“Orthodoxy In Dialogue”] website and the people working for it in any way need to be condemned for their subversive actions against the Orthodox faith and the one true Church. It needs to be clear to all Orthodox and others as well that they do not represent the Orthodox faith and tradition in any way and that they are actively attacking it and trying to subvert it for their political ideology, which is demonic.” — Eric S.

“This sort of blasphemous material can no longer be overlooked. A strong and clear position must be taken lest more people be dragged into sin and perdition.” — Grant H.

“Orthodoxy in dialogue is a blasphemous website run by a defrocked immoral man who argues for the perpetuation of sin and vice made to undermine our faith and keep the flock confused. It is on our bishops to defend their flock from the works of Satan as per the lords decree John 21:16.” — Alex I.

“I’m signing because this site [“Orthodoxy In Dialogue”] had lead many youth in the Church astray. I have personally witnessed youth whom I taught in Church school giving themselves over to resentment, attempting to “reform the faith”, and feeding off of this site.” — Kristen V.

“God is the same, yesterday, today, and forever, and God will not be mocked. There can be no dialogue with grave sin. Only repentance. Further this man terrorizes those who criticize his blasphemous writing.” — Michael L.

Petition for Bishops to Denounce Blasphemous Orthodoxy in Dialogue Website


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