Ultimate Goal of ANTIFA and BLM = Dismantle Western Christian Civilization

Ultimate Goal of ANTIFA and BLM = Dismantle Western Christian Civilizationby Abbot Tryphon –
For all those individuals who have seen the mass demonstrations in the streets of Portland, Oregon, Seattle, Washington, and countless other cities across the country, and still believed we were, as the mayor of Seattle proclaimed, coming upon “a summer of love,” I would call your attention to what happened in Portland a month or so ago.

The usual “peaceful demonstration” that took place in front of the Federal Courthouse saw the burning of an American flag, but for us Christians, the much more ominous burning of Bibles. How on earth could these people think they were demonstrating for equal rights for our black citizens, and an end of “police brutality,” by burning Bibles?

Christianity is swiftly being replaced by an atheistic Nihilism

We must not allow ourselves to be naive enough to believe these protests and riots are anything but an attempt to dismantle all of Western Civilization and upend centuries of Christian tradition. The time honored freedom of religion that our forefathers fought for, and enshrined in the Bill of Rights, is now being attacked by the same spirit of Antichrist that brought down the God-anointed Imperial government of Russia during the Bolshevik Revolution.

Christianity is swiftly being replaced by an atheistic Nihilism that is disguised as human rights for all, while police are being vivified, defunded, and in some cases, disbanded. This is all happening while unthinking political and academic types (and some religious leaders) are surrendering to a political ideology that is anything but based on logic and reason, and is showing clear signs of having surrendered to a form of Marxism that is the most dangerous ideology that our country has faced in her history.

We must, once again, become “One Nation, under God.”

Now is the time when true Christians need to stand firm in the Faith received from the Apostles, and cling to the mercy of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Our nation will continue this downward fall into the abyss unless we all, collectively, repent. A nation that has one of the highest abortion counts in the world, and has a history of interfered in the internal affairs of countries across the globe, must repent, and return to the slogan printed on our money, “In God we Trust.”

We must, once again, become “One Nation, under God.” We must, as a people, come together in peaceful resolve to turn our nation around, and embrace our democratic and religious heritage, before it is too late.

With love in Christ,
Abbot Tryphon

HT: The Morning Offering

Ultimate Goal of ANTIFA and BLM = Dismantle Western Christian Civilization


3 thoughts on “Ultimate Goal of ANTIFA and BLM = Dismantle Western Christian Civilization”

  1. The new communists are just as murderous, violent, and remorseless as the old communists. Once they seize power and neutralize the legal system they will imprison, torture, and murder as many Christians and innocent people as possible, just as they have done in every single country they took over in the last one hundred years. They are nothing more than modern Bolsheviks!

  2. Sadly, many of our younger Orthodox priests a supportive of BLM. I thought the Church would be sheltered from this but considering the fact our USA educational system has been indoctrinating children for the past 3 decades, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.


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