Know Your Enemy: Undeniable Truths About the Left and Communism

Communists hate liberty and America. Know Your Enemy: Undeniable Truths About the Left and Communism Leftists love Marxism and therefore hate liberty and hate America. … Never give up, never lose hope, never lose faith and stand in the strength of Almighty God.
by Dex Bahr –
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”— Sun Tzu

Freedom-loving, patriotic Americans need to take a deep breath, calm down and accurately assess the current cultural and political situation in the country. It is time to stop reacting to what the left does and instead focus on some undeniable truths about our enemies. Victory only comes after finding your opponents’ weaknesses and exploiting them, but such flaws cannot be found without honest and careful study. This is how patriots fight.

First, we must begin by properly labeling the truth as it is. For example, everything that is happening now is because the left’s plans to remake the United States from a Constitutional republic into borderless global state were thwarted by the people electing Donald J. Trump for president. As a result, the left not only hates Trump for beating their savior Hillary Clinton, it also loathes the citizens who voted for him.

Democrat governors and mayors are holding your Constitutional freedoms hostage

Once you honestly grasp the level of hatred the left has for us, you begin to understand that the Wuhan virus extended lockdowns and the Black Lives Matter and Antifa led riots are for express purpose of bringing misery and terror to those who dared to vote for Donald Trump in 2016 and those who are planning to vote for him in November. The left has turned up their intensity to eleven in their ongoing effort to isolate Trump from his base. Democrat governors and mayors are holding your Constitutional freedoms hostage and the unspoken ransom for you to make all this desolation go away is to vote Democrat. “Abandon this ogre, Trump, and things will go back to how they were before you made the mistake of voting for him.”

Let’s play along with that scenario for the moment and say you were to desert Trump and opt for your life of comfort again. Do you honestly think the Democrats will forgive and forget? Hardly!

If past behavior is an indication of future behavior, then the Democrats will continue to scapegoat you for all that is wrong with the country. This is exactly what they are doing now when they speak of white privilege and systemic racism. What makes you think the left would cease from this malice, especially if it were to win an election for them?

Leftists hate free speech

And that brings us to this truth: the left hates any American who disagrees with them. Liberty-minded Americans understand that people are going to have strong disagreements on issues, but they appreciate that this is a consequence of free speech under the First Amendment.

Leftists hate free speech, especially if it criticizes their agenda. Since they dismiss debate, they have come up with ways to control speech and thought under the rubric of social justice and multiculturalism. Authoritarianism is the source of such a mindset, not liberty. An authoritarian wants to take away your freedom, not protect it. This takes us to another truth about the left and their proxies, the Democrat Party.

Leftists love Marxism and therefore hate liberty. The Democrat Party reflects this because they have been hijacked by the Marxist left. Marxism is the theory behind socialism and communism, although they all lead to the same result of despair and slaughter. Both are the antithesis to capitalism, yet our federal government and many of our state governments continue to fornicate with socialism. Obamacare, anyone?

Leftists love Marxism and therefore hate liberty

Socialism is the foot in the door under the guise of equality and communism is the thug who breaks down the door, holds you prisoner and forces you to work for his benefit. Leftist governors and mayors have gone full communist under the guise of safety in their removal of freedoms during the Wuhan virus lockdowns.

Think about the three areas the left focused upon. They went after (1) our right to peaceably assemble, (2) our free exercise of religion, and (3) our right to free speech. The left went after our right to peaceably gather by limiting the number of people we could congregate with and initiating social distancing.

Next, they impeded our free exercise of religion by deeming churches as non-essential and forbidding us from gathering for church services; even if they were drive-thru services. Finally, free speech was attacked when leftist social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter censored any posts or tweets that went against the COVID-19 media narrative.

This is all to dispirit you.

Feel drained and frustrated? Thinking that this is the end of the American experiment? That is because the left has been manipulating your emotions; case in point, polling data. All we have been hearing lately is Trump is toast. Biden has a double-digit lead. That’s it, turn out the lights.

This is all to dispirit you. Since March, there has been a non-stop pile-on of your emotions. This, in an all-out, no holds barred effort to convince you to give up all hope and reject President Trump.  We are in the midst of a cultural revolution brought to you courtesy of the left. 

They want you to believe that rioting and looting has been a genuinely organic occurrence. However, when you look at the timing and precision of recent events it has become more obvious that this battle plan had been in the works for some time and just needed the right fuse to set off a powder keg. And this leads us to another sobering truth about the left.

We are in the midst of a cultural revolution brought to you courtesy of the left.

The left is willing to destroy race relations, shred the Constitution, call for the defunding of police, and validate lawlessness, all for the express purpose of achieving an election victory in November.  All this violence and fear has been unleased in the hopes of sweeping the Democrats, led by a cognitively challenged presidential nominee, into power. Let that sink in.

When you have no positive agenda to offer and nothing inspirational to run on then I guess encouraging anarchy is next logical step? Since they cannot run a campaign on building anything, why not campaign on tearing down the works and achievements of others?

They claim to offer new enlightenment on the sins of our forefathers, but all they can offer is condemnation as if they are judge, jury and god.  This is not hyperbole but a fact. In the absence of worshiping a Creator, the left blasphemes by making themselves little gods where everything they demand should be a dictate for all and nothing they say is worthy of criticism.

Arrogance and hubris are two other truths about the left that we need to understand.

Arrogance and hubris are two other truths about the left that we need to understand.  And right now the Democrats are smug and they are thumping their chests in victory.  They believe they have come up with the winning strategy to defeat Trump and to radically change the culture. They are convinced of the validity of their polls and are gleefully savoring the fear of average Americans.  I am convinced this will be their undoing.

More and more people are becoming wise to all that is going on and that includes the average Democrat voter.  They see what their party is doing to this country and they are taking note. These average working-class Democrats are just like the average working-class conservatives who only want to have a good job, savings, good schools for their kids, a nice house, and to live in a safe community. They see their party becoming dangerously radicalized and I do not doubt that they are just as troubled about the direction of the country as we conservatives are.  These men and women may not voice their disgust , but do not be surprised to read a post mortem to the election that will show many Democrats casting a vote for Trump. And I believe that will also be true of the Black community.

The left seems powerful only because the media portrays them that way.

You may not see them interviewed, but a great many blacks appreciate that President Trump has done more for them than all the presidents of the past 30 years. This is a powerful truth that black and Hispanic unemployment have been at all-time lows under the Trump Administration.  Democrats know this and it scares them. Prior to the Wuhan virus pandemic, at least of 20 percent of blacks indicated they would be voting to re-elect President Trump. If that holds true, that would be a death knell to the Democrat Party. This is a huge reason for the left fanning the flames of racial unrest under the lie of systemic racism and white privilege.

A final truth is that the left is aided by sycophantic media. The left seems powerful only because the media portrays them that way. The media never challenges Democrats and rarely publish any negative stories about them unless there is some sort of political calculation in doing so.  This is a double-edged sword. Such reporting is inherently dishonest at its core and spares the left from hearing honest and un-filtered truths about the failures of their policies and actions.

Never give up, never lose hope, never lose faith and stand in the strength of Almighty God.

The truth is sometimes uncomfortable to face, but it is liberating.  In the days that follow this Independence Day weekend, make it your goal to know the enemy. For in these truths are the means of defeating the Democrats and taking the country back. Take note of these truths and formulate a personal or group plan to push back against the left. We need to begin offenses on multiple fronts against the enemy, using their tactics against them.

Make it a point to illustrate these truths to your friends who see the Democrats as some unstoppable force. Never give up, never lose hope, never lose faith and stand in the strength of Almighty God. With God’s help, prayer and determination on our part, we can and will turn the tide.

Excerpts from: American Thinker, with minor edits for clarity.

Communists hate liberty and America. Know Your Enemy: Undeniable Truths About the Left and Communism


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