Archbishop “Many Spoons” Elpidophoros – Heresy to the Nth Degree?

Archbishop Many Spoons Elpidophoros Lambriniadis from Monomakhos Blog –
Is heresy far behind? One would think so, because these directives indicate that we don’t really believe that the Chalice contains the real Body and Blood of Christ.

Archbishop Elpidophoros Lambrianides of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, implemented some significant changes to our Tradition. Troubling changes. Everything from how we commune, to how we venerate the icons, greet one another, engage in fellowship, to participating in Divine Liturgy has been modified.

Though he specified these were “temporary” changes, it’s hard to understand why he would move forward with them now, after the lifting of the restrictions in the outside world. This leaves one to wonder if what we’re seeing really is just “temporary”. After all the hard work it took to draw up these directives, what’s to say this isn’t the “the new normal”. Viruses aren’t going to go away.

communal spoon is to be replaced with multiple spoons

We have listed some of the changes below (for the complete directive, please click on to the link below):

Communion can only be offered to the faithful following the conclusion of a Divine Liturgy (which the laity will not attend[!]) and it must be done via appointment. Because appointments can only be made for individuals or families that have been living together for the duration of the lock-down, this would exclude any and all Orthodox family members who were previously quarantined elsewhere or are returning home after caring for another family member.

Prosphora cubes trayH’ors d’oeuvres trays will replace the communal basket of bread to discourage the touching of the antidoron, though there is little evidence to suggest the virus can be contracted this way.

The doilies are a nice touch, perhaps we can get into the catering business?

The communal spoon is to be replaced with multiple spoons and instead of venerating an icon with a kiss, we are told to bow or make a sign of the cross.

The laity is to be excluded from attending Divine Liturgy, purportedly per the City of New York.  Monomakhos is unaware of any New York City mandate restricting people from participating in the Liturgy, as this is the same as “going to church” for anyone else, but this was the explanation given by the Archdiocese for this rule.

laity is to be excluded from attending Divine Liturgy

We are to drop the kiss of peace we offer to one another in fellowship.  In fact, there is to be no fellowship among the laity both in or outside the Church.

The parish halls are to remain closed.  At all times, the faithful must maintain social distancing.  At the conclusion of their “personal prayer time”, the faithful are to exit the building and return directly to their vehicle without congregating or lingering.

So, in addition to wearing masks, being sanitized and tracked, standing “X” number of feet away from each other, having to make appointments for communion, not sharing spoons, not venerating the icons with a kiss, and forfeiting fellowship both before and after services, we also cannot participate in the Divine Liturgy.

No one in the history of Orthodox Church has worshiped this way EVER.

No one in the history of Orthodox Church has worshiped this way EVER.

The entire thing flies in the face of our Holy Tradition: “that which is ‘handed on’ from one generation to another.  In addition to the witness of Faith in the Scripture, the Orthodox Christian Faith is celebrated in the Eucharist; taught by the Fathers; glorified by the Saints; expressed in prayers, hymns, and icons; defended by the seven Ecumenical Councils; embodied in the Nicene Creed; manifested in social concern; and, by the power of the Holy Spirit, it is lived in every local Orthodox parish. The life of the Holy Trinity is manifested in every aspect of the Church’s life and the Church, as a whole, is the guardian of the authentic Christian Faith which bears witness to that Revelation.”

The question now becomes this:  Are we going to allow this or not?   At the very least, these new rubrics are a violation of the traditional Orthodox formula:  “lex orandi, lex credendi.”

Is heresy far behind?

Is heresy far behind?  One would think so, because these directives indicate that we don’t really believe that the Chalice contains the real Body and Blood of Christ.  If it were, they wouldn’t be turning themselves into pretzels to protect us from it and from the Church itself.

HT: Monomakhos.

Archbishop Many Spoons Elpidophoros Lambriniadis


5 thoughts on “Archbishop “Many Spoons” Elpidophoros – Heresy to the Nth Degree?”

  1. If the Holy Eucharist is powerless to sanctify and clean a spoon, how can it sanctify and save a whole person?

    Apparently our Lord is God of organic life only, but is powerless to affect inanimate matter. Who knew?

  2. This is SPOT ON with the infiltration of Marxist elements within the GOARCH and now they’re no longer hiding, but have come out and BLATANTLY hijacked our faith. At what point does the laity stand up and say, “NO MORE!” To be forced into calling someone who determines whether or not you’re “permitted” to attend church is wrong on every level. To entertain the notion of multiple spoons because of germs is calling the Body and Blood of our Lord and Savior corrupt. Wrong, Wrong, Wrong.

  3. Wow, I’m stunned. Today I had video pop up in my feed on YouTube from a creator named “CatholicMommy” I believe. She was upset because apparently the Latin Catholic Church was making all kinds of similar changes as are outlined in this article about “many spoons”. How ironic that I open my Facebook and see this eerily similar thing happening in the Orthodox Church. What are believers to make of such things? Some would think they are being obedient and even considerate of weaker believers by abiding with the changes. Others may feel that going along with such changes is little more than a slippery slope, if not a test of their ability to stand for the faith as delivered by the saints.

    One thing is for sure, we are being tested at every turn in these days to see what truly lies in our hearts. Perhaps, it is so that in any case, it will be the level of purity and humility in our hearts that determine whether we are right or wrong in the Lord’s eyes? I wish I had the answers. It would seem that the enemy seeks to divide and dissolve the body of Christ in every possible way as we navigate the times of trial. Lord have mercy on all His people and may our hearts be filled with His light and minds with His wisdom.

  4. I have been loudly complaining about the actions of the hierarchy from the time this fake pandemic started and will continue to do so until my last breath. I was stunned that the churches closed without so much as a whimper of protest or pastoral concern. Instead, we are offered “Video Liturgies” on the Internet, as if that somehow takes the place of receiving the Holy Mysteries and encountering the living Christ. If I wanted mere intellectual exercise I would have stayed Protestant.

    I am an Eastern Catholic who is ready to come home to the true Church, but now, thanks to the actions of the bishops, I can’t even get into a parish to begin a catechumenate!

    I am no small bit scandalized!!

    You may read about it here:


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