Bishop Thomas Tobin: LGBTQ “Pride Month” is Especially Harmful for Children

Bishop Thomas Tobin: LGBTQ Pride Month is Especially Harmful for Childrenby Jennifer Davis –
A reminder that Catholics should not support or attend LGBTQ “Pride Month” events held in June. They promote a culture and encourage activities that are contrary to Catholic faith and morals. They are especially harmful for children. ~ Bishop Thomas Tobin

On June 1 Catholic bishop Thomas Tobin issued this cautionary and reasonable reminder to Christian parents via his Twitter account. Given the often depraved, blasphemous, and pornographic nature of nearly all LGBTQ Pride parades, this advice is appropriate and helpful. Perversion is nothing to be proud about. Children should never be exposed to the sickening and sexually depraved displays frequently accompanying these “Pride” parades.

Sadly I have never seen or heard a single Orthodox Christian bishop in America issue a similar public warning or reminder to Orthodox Christian families, ever. Courageous and faithful shepherds should continually warn the sheep of the depraved lies and dangerous wolves lurking about; especially the LGBTQ militants who are actively targeting children. Why are the Orthodox bishops in America silent and complacent? Have they forgotten the Lord’s teaching that “whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea” (Matthew 18:2-6)?

Dear Orthodox Christian bishops in America here’s a simple announcement you could send to the faithful, families and parishes you have been entrusted to protect and have a duty to defend:

A reminder that Orthodox Christians should not support or attend LGBTQ “Pride Month” events held this June. These parades often promote a culture and encourage activities that are contrary to the Orthodox Christian teaching, faith, and moral principles. They are especially harmful for children. ~ Bishop _________

Bishop Thomas Tobin: LGBTQ Pride Month is Especially Harmful for Children


2 thoughts on “Bishop Thomas Tobin: LGBTQ “Pride Month” is Especially Harmful for Children”

  1. I was saddened to read this article. Could it really be that the Orthodox hierarchy in America have nothing to say about this hideous ideology? ‘Pride’ parades are but orgiastic celebrations of lust and a genuflection before a twisted and warped anthropology. Well done, Bishop Tobin! The Anglican Churches in the USA and the UK long ago capitulated to this nonsense. The RC Church, too, is joining the Gadarene stampede to Lunacy – see the timid, mealy-mouthed document produced by the Vatican this week.

  2. This is so true. Even if the reminder wasn’t necessary for everyone, it would be so comforting to see the leaders of the church trying to protect families, instead of remaining silent.


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