Unhinged Hatred: Frank Schaeffer Curses Donald Trump and His Family

Unhinged Hatred: Frank Schaeffer Curses Donald Trump and His FamilyInfamous progressive leftist Frank Schaeffer, who describes himself as “an atheist who believes in God” has reached a new low in his descent towards insanity and spiritual darkness. In a video posted on facebook on September 5, 2017, Frank snarls: “G-d damn you Donald Trump” and proceeds to curse President Trump. Calling for a “day of prayer” to also “curse your nepotistic horrible grifter unloving hard-hearted callous family,” Frank then ends by wishing that Trump will “live to see” his family “torn apart.”

Frank is infamous for his many outrageous and hate-filled rants on his facebook wall, directed at Christian conservatives, President Donald Trump, and other Orthodox Christians who defend the traditional theology and moral teaching of the Orthodox Church. Frank claims that he is a member of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, despite contradicting and attacking the Church teaching on abortion, homosexuality, marriage, transgenderism, and other matters of faith and morality.

One wonders, will the bishops and metropolitans of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops be as quick to issue a public statement denouncing Frank Schaeffer’s despicable acts of public hatred and blasphemous profanity, as they were after the violence in Charlottesville?

Ask yourselves, if the situation was reversed and a prominent conservative public figure and member of the Greek Orthodox Church had publicly attacked former President Obama and his family in this shameful manner and publicly encouraged others to curse them, how would the hierarchs of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops react?

Transcript from Frank Schaeffer video posted on his facebook page on Sept. 5, 2017:

Around 5:36 in video:

“G-d damn you Donald Trump. May you live to see your family torn apart and come down in sorrow and tears as an old testament prophet would say. I curse you. And I curse you in the very name of the humanity that you are denying by doing this. …

You called for a National Day of Prayer you phony. And you surrounded yourself with all these religious right prosperity gospel charlatans who tell people to send them money so God will make them rich.

Well I call for another day of prayer. A day of prayer to curse you and your nepotistic horrible grifter family, your unloving hard-hearted callous family.

May you come down in sorrow. May you live to see your family torn apart as you are now heartlessly tearing apart others.

Thank you. My name is Frank Schaeffer.”

UPDATE – A blog visitor sent us the photo below from President Trump’s National Day of Prayer event held on 9/1/2017. She points out that Schaeffer’s hateful rant is also racist. Apparently several black pastors, whom Frank defamed as “charlants,” attended that event and prayed over him.
racist Frank Schaeffer Curses Donald Trump and His Family black pastors charlatans


3 thoughts on “Unhinged Hatred: Frank Schaeffer Curses Donald Trump and His Family”

  1. I am not sure that the bishops do or even are able to monitor individuals (even ones with name recognition) unless those individuals make the main-stream news. The reason I am saying this is that a couple of years ago, Frank Schaeffer was supposed to be a speaker at a clergy retreat in the Metropolis of Chicago. When the schedule was emailed to all the clergy, I sent an email back to the organizers. I attached links to a couple of recent articles of Mr. Schaeffer’s and asked if he was the speaker. I never did get a reply to that email, so it is only conjecture on my part that the articles were not familiar to the organizers, but a couple of days later we received a revised schedule with his name absent.

    In Christ,
    +Fr. Peter


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