Obama Embraces Amnesty

Human Events | James R. Edwards, Jr. | Apr. 27, 2009

It’s official: The Obama administration plans to push a mass amnesty. It became official even before the New York Times reported the president’s plan to look “for a path for illegal immigrants to become legal,” said “a senior administration official.”

The White House website says that the president supports a plan to, “Bring People Out of the Shadows,” which it describes as “…a system that allows undocumented immigrants who are in good standing to pay a fine, learn English, and go to the back of the line for the opportunity to become citizens.”

No surprise, though. Obama embraced amnesty on the campaign trail (like being pro-abortion, amnesty is Democratic dogma). He recently pledged legalization to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. He hired a top aide from the ethnic lobby “La Raza.”

Great idea, right? Legalize the status of 10-12 million illegal aliens. Take the issue off the table.

Allow illegals the privilege of staying in the United States permanently, eventually obtaining U.S. citizenship, sponsoring distant relatives for chain migration visas, qualifying for even more public welfare programs and redistribution-of-wealth opportunities.

Of course, this is what we did in 1986, and that backfired horribly. That mass amnesty overwhelmed the bureaucracy, led to widespread fraud and abuse, spurred four times as much illegal immigration over the next two decades and further cost taxpayers through the public programs the newly legalized now qualified for.

And such wonderful timing. In the depths of an economic recession, when more than 660,000 Americans lost their jobs in March.

Thousands of jobs have vanished each month since January 2008. More than 15 million Americans are officially listed as unemployed or underemployed. After the economy turns the corner, it will likely be months before the labor market begins to recover.

Amazingly, hard core open-borders business lobbies argue with a straight face, even today, that they can’t find Americans to take their jobs. They swear theirs are jobs unemployed Americans won’t do.

Others make outlandish claims that we need even more foreign workers because they’d be more entrepreneurial. (Seriously, these hacks actually make such claims.)

Want a better economic stimulus plan? Enforce our immigration laws — at the border, in the interior, by state and local police as well as the feds, and in the workplace.

And let the labor market take care of itself with the pool of homegrown talent. Isn’t this the nation that put a man on the moon, achieved the world’s highest standard of living and created more jobs than other developed nations?

. . . more


1 thought on “Obama Embraces Amnesty”

  1. I hope that all law abiding non citizens, like my husband can get amnesty. We work, we PAY taxes, we ask the government NOTHING. We just want to live in the USA. I am a USA born citizen.

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