American Thinker | Rick Moran | Jun. 19, 2008
The worrying thing is that the Congressman – Maurice Hinchey – isn’t getting laughed out of Washington for proposing a nationalization scheme for the refinery industry. Even at the height of liberalism’s power back in the 1960’s, no Democrat would have seriously entertained the notion.
But a recent Rasmussen poll found a staggering 37% of Democrats – a plurality – support nationalizing the oil companies. This makes one wonder if some kind of serious move might be made to actually bring the industry under government control:
The survey found that a plurality of Democrats (37%) believe the oil industry should be nationalized. Just 32% of voters in Barack Obama’s party disagree with that approach. Republicans oppose nationalizing the oil industry by a 66% to 16% margin. Unaffiliated voters are opposed by a 47% to 33% margin.
Nationalization is the process by which the government assumes complete control of a private industry and its assets. It has been a common practice in totalitarian dictatorships, but as recently as 2001 following the 9/11 attacks, the U.S. government nationalized the private airport security industry and moved it under the Transportation Security Administration.
Congresswoman Maxine Waters – the far out liberal from California – has also called for nationalizing the oil companies. And considering the fact that a large percentage of Democrats support them, one can legitimately wonder what the Democrats have in store for the voter when they increase their hold on Congress next year.
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Here’s a great quote from an American Thinker reader that really nailed it regarding the Marxist/leftist policies of the Democrats. It was so good I had to reproduce it here: