Time Magazine Disrespects WWII Veterans

OrthodoxNet.com | Craig Yates | Apr. 20, 2008

The cover of Time magazine’s latest issue using the famous photo of soldiers raising the American flag on Iwo Jima to promote the imagined “War On Global Warming” shouldn’t really be surprising. It is just more of the same that we have come to expect from the MSM (mainstream media) disrespect for the military and the men and women who serve their country.

Time, of course, sees it differently. This from a spokesman for the magazine:

“TIME has the utmost respect for our nation’s veterans and we well understand the power of the iconic image of the raising of the flag over Iwo Jima,” Daniel Kile, associate director of public relations at Time, said in an e-mail to BMI(Business & Media Institute). “We believe this is a respectful use of this symbol of American valor and courage and serves to highlight another great challenge facing our nation.”

Utmost respect? To even remotely equate the battle for Iwo Jima, where over 6,800 American soldiers were killed, with the farcical “war” on global warming shows the utmost in disrespect, in my opinion. As far as I know, few if any have died from global warming, with the possible exception of being exposed to mercury from a broken compact fluorescent bulb.

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