Announcing the American Orthodox Institute

The project I’ve been working on the last three years was unveiled yesterday. It’s called the American Orthodox Institute (AOI) and has this mission: The American Orthodox Institute is a research and educational organization that engages the cultural issues of the day within the Orthodox Christian moral tradition. Take a look at the AOI website to get a clearer idea of contributers, advisors, and such. Note our journal, “The Clarion Review” (new website for Clarion in the works), which has been receiving praise and press in Europe. My latest article, “Orthodox Leadership in a Brave New World” is also included. The opening was a collaboration between AOI and Conciliar Media Ministries.


13 thoughts on “Announcing the American Orthodox Institute”

  1. One small step for the Orthodox world, one giant step towards Truth and Christ! May God grant you many, many years!

  2. For the record, I think the Orthodox Church has much to offer the culture in terms of its vision of ethics and morality (although I may not always agree with its methods). The amicus on Roe seemed particularly well-reasoned, highlighting the complexity and general muddiness of the whole issue and why, even in a secular democracy, some of SCOTUS’ conclusions on this case could stand to be re-evaluated in a new light.

  3. I can say that the material I have been exposed to on the Orthodoxy Today web site has changed my views on certain issues and certainly deepened my understanding of others. This experience leads me to believe that there is a real need for a resource that provides information on important social and cultural topics from an Orthodox Christian perspective.

    Like JamesK I feel comfortable with the Orthodox Christian perspective because it is rooted in a theological tradition over 1,800 years old and largely free of the pull of more recent partisan political influences.

    Thank you for your hard work on this project Father. I wish you well, will pray for your siucess and look forward to further insights and learning as result of your efforts.

  4. Note 7 & 8,


    I’m all for civil discourse, but those last two posts strain credulity (and simply honesty) WAY past the breaking point. I have some ocean front property in Arizona I just have to tell you two about…;)

  5. Hey, Christopher, I happen to be in Phoenix just as you write! Coincidence? 🙂 (I don’t go for smileys but sometimes you gotta use them.)

    Seriously, Dean’s generosity is real here. I take it in the spirit that it is given.

  6. Dean’s generosity is real here.

    I don’t believe him. If his generosity was real, he would not hijack your blog day in and day out for his own political agenda (always left wing, often anti-Christian). He has not shown any interest in ‘the Orthodox Christian perspective” – he counters it every chance he gets.

    I take it in the spirit that it is given.

    What “spirit” is that? Is it in REAL “peace, goodwill among men”? IF your site was another “round table of Ideas” I of course would be way out of line here. But you append to your site the word “Orthodoxy”. That means something – ideas yes, but something morethan mere ideas. In any case, I don’t see Orthodoxy reflected in Dean at all – so on a fundamental level, I don’t believe him. If I thought it would help, I would be “as a speechless man that openeth not his mouth”…

  7. Christopher, if you do not see what you want in Dean S., then pray for him, and God will do what needs to be done, if it be His will. Constantly beating Dean S. over the head is not working. Love does not compel!

  8. Don’t worry about me Dean. I’m much too happy celebrating Al Gore’s Nobel Peace prize this weekend to be bothered by the nastiness of a bitter, bile-filled misanthrope.

    Al Gore basks in glory, the object of tributes and acolades worldwide, while every day GW Bush sinks further into disgrace, disapprobation and shame. Cosmic justice indeed! The fog is lifting, sanity and clarity return and the universe is righting itself. We just have to make if through the next 464 days.

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