Navy Chaplain Goes on Hunger Strike Outside White House Over Uniformed Prayer Rules

Thursday, December 22, 2005

WHITE HOUSE — It’s almost Christmas, and U.S. Navy chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt is on a hunger strike that includes nightly prayers outside the White House.

Lieutenant Klingenschmitt, an Evangelical Episcopal priest, says he won’t eat until President Bush signs an executive order allowing military chaplains to pray according to their beliefs.

Klingenschmitt, who began his fast on Tuesday, says Navy admirals have told him that he can’t pray publicly in Jesus’ name unless he’s wearing civilian clothes. He’s continuing to pray as the Bible says Jesus instructed, but not in uniform.


1 thought on “Navy Chaplain Goes on Hunger Strike Outside White House Over Uniformed Prayer Rules”

  1. I think that what he is doing is great. People need to stand up for Jesus and out faith. As Christians we are supposed to pray to God in Jesus name. I cannot believe that the government would try to silence him. I hope that he wins his battle.

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