7 thoughts on “Sounds like the old Soviet Union”

  1. Interestingly enough, there is a similar story (same university, same periodical!) from a liberal student regarding a conservative professor.

    A wise solution is the proposed Student’s “Bill of Rights” which the university hopefully accepts.

    I have noticed that there is more respect for the opinions and beliefs of students (of either ideology) in private universities and high schools than in today’s public institutions, unfortunately: my own Catholic high school encouraged healthy debate and the teachers consistently responded in a respectful manner whether they agreed or not (though it was one of those whacky “liberal” Jesuit schools).

  2. My best teachers were always the ones who cared more about the quality of my logic and expression than the viewpoint I took. Civil discourse needs indeed to be civil before it can be real discourse. The schools are where we learn or don’t learn this important principle.

  3. JamesK – Thanks for beginning Lent by gratuitously insulting people who like me who attended Jesuit Universities. Here is mine: http://www.luc.edu/aboutloyola.shtml.

    Instead of Animal House hijinks, my fraternity performed volunteer work on weekends at a home for Autistic children at the insistence of our Jesuit advisor. I had three required courses in both theology and philosophy. I was taught by Priests who were also nationally recognized experts in consitutional law, US foreign policy and ethics. My MBA program required every student to complete a course in Business Ethics.

    What about all that exactly do you consider “whacky”?

  4. Dean: Not sure how you read that as an attack. I’ve never been anything but appreciative of my Jesuit education. I was simply making an (attempted) humerous reference to the Jesuit’s reputation as being interested in social justice (and hence, the word liberal in quotes).

    Sorry you misread the intent.

  5. As an aside, I find it intriguing that I’ve been accused of insulting both those on the ideological right and left within the same blog, despite my consistent attempts to pay attention to linguistic nuance and avoiding excessive generalizations, labels, etc.

    Perhaps I need to revise and enhance my lexicon.

  6. No, James, Dean just needs a bit thicker skin.

    It’s like this old joke:
    Q: How many feminists it takes to screw in a light bulb?

    Hey, maybe you insulted him by putting liberal in scare quotes. 😉

  7. Dan – another version of that joke is:

    Q:How many women with PMS does it take to screw in a light bulb?
    Q:Why five?
    A IT JUST DOES!!!!!! OKAY!!!!!

    See I’ve got a sense of humor. It just seems to me there is something wrong with a world where caring about social justice, (an intrinsic Christian imperative), is considered “whacky”.

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