“We Kill Babies”

Australia’s bad conscience about abortion has spilled over into contentious public debate. He is one article that brings the discomfort forward.

The abortion debate provokes mixed feelings, but leaving late-term babies to die in dishes or bins is wrong. Silence is no longer an option.

THIS country has a bad conscience about abortion. You can tell this by the frantic attempts to make us shut the hell up about it.

Health Minister Tony Abbott, who mourned the “unambiguous moral tragedy” of up to 100,000 abortions a year, has been warned by rivals in the Liberal Party this “foray into morality politics” has ruined his chance of ever becoming leader.



2 thoughts on ““We Kill Babies””

  1. According to the news tonight 60% of Americans polled want the next Supreme Court Justice appointed to be in favor of abortion rights. Don’t know who did the poll or how the question was asked, but it might be worth looking into.

  2. A disturbing development in the Netherlands regarding the euthanizing of terminally ill infants is detailed here.

    Perhaps it’s time that people of good will start making a little more noise about this dark trend posing as medical science and misplaced compassion.

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