Those Who Worshipped the Stars

Those Who Worshipped the Stars Magi at Nativityby Fr. Alexander Shargunov –
Astrology was a symbol of all man’s delusions, and that is why the Lord had to reveal a real Star.

Who were the Magi who journeyed from the East? We can’t say with full confidence from what country they arrived to Jerusalem—maybe from Persia, as the service books have stated or, like several holy fathers have suggested, Egypt, Babylon or even far-away India.

One church tradition insists they arrived from different Oriental countries, and once they met one another, continued on their way to Bethlehem. However, in the end, their country of origin isn’t the essence of the matter. What matters most is that they traveled on behalf of those “who worshipped the stars” to adore Him, “the Sun of Righteousness” [Read more…]


In Defense Of The Christmas Tree

Christmas Tree Not Pagan, Christian Originby Fr. Daniel Daly –
Our Christmas tree is derived, not from the pagan yule tree, but from the paradise tree adorned with apples on December 24 in honor of Adam and Eve. The Christmas tree is completely biblical in origin.

Several years ago during the Christmas season, a religious program on television caught my attention. The program featured a discussion on the dangers of cults, especially to young people. I found myself agreeing with the panelists as they warned young people about the hazards of involvement in occult or “new age” spirituality.

During the interview, however, one participant made a statement that shocked me: “…and the Christmas tree is pagan too…,” he asserted. The Christmas Tree? Pagan? Could it be that something most of us enjoy so much might be actually pagan in origin? Despite its growing commercialization, the Christmas tree is still associated with the fondest memories of our early childhood. Who does not remember approaching the tree on Christmas morning? [Read more…]


Three Criteria to Help Us Recognize Modern False Prophets

Three Criteria to Help Us Recognize Modern False Prophetsby Fr. Geoffrey Korz –
There exists today a great deal of material that purports to be Orthodox and Christian. Books from major publishing houses abound, new articles pop up daily online. A plethora of channels offer opinions which—but for the garb and kitschy coffee cup of the presenter—are indistinguishable from secular, activist opinion commentaries, despite using the word “Orthodox” in their name. [Read more…]


Orthodox Christians – Proclaim the Gospel Truth Without Fear

Orthodox Christians - Proclaim the Gospel Truth Without Fearby Abbot Tryphon –
These are times that call for bold and courageous Orthodox faithful to step forward, proclaiming the Gospel Truth without fear

The Church Militant, which is the Church of Christ here on this earth, is in the midst of a battle. Our enemy is not one of flesh and blood, but one of darkness and evil. [Read more…]
